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Duplolas, and LollerSkater Freekills/tarps/invalid

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Okay, for some background info, round started, I was in spectate. I was watching Duplolas, as he had been doing some weird as shit orders the round before, So I was spec'ing, and recording a demo. Hence the video. He proceeded, to go onto the roof on Hellsgamers map, and scoped in, and shot two T's for no apparent reason. I then badgered him, trying to figure out why he did these kills, To which he said "One of them wasn't doing the correct orders, the other one was an accidental freekill that I slayed myself for", I kept recording without thinking about it, then saw what Loller was doing, Once the T's went into the TBox, and told them to freeze inside, which some T's did, and some continued to run around. Loller then ordered all of his CT's to kill ALL the T's inside, implying that he could actually tell which T's were running, and which were frozen. Duplolas, Teezar, and Whitestart all confirmed that it was OKAY for them to spray into the game, and kill all the T's until there was one left. I don't know what I want to happen for this, I don't know if it deserves CT bans, Demotions, Bans, Or what have it. I'd like some imput on this, as well.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50MJS-vNuSc&feature=youtu.be

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That video doesn't prove anything on either side of this story, seeing as the camera of the person you were spectating wasn't pointed at the teleporter exit the whole time.


If you spectated me, you would notice that I was watching the exit the whole time, making sure that each one of them strayed away from the exit location before giving the kill order.


Serbian said that, if indeed all the Ts rebelled (which they did by not freezing upon getting into the exit), it was "technically legit, but tell the warden not to do it again".


If you still have the demo file, you can choose an option to go into free-look mode. You will see that each T that entered the teleporter moved after going through. In fact, can you post the demo file?

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i'm not going to plus or minus one, but i just want to say that as moderators you should try to keep the server going smoothly, and try to eliminate chaos. Even if you were right maybe think about what your doing before shooting all the ts? Its about what is best for the server not just killwhoring. Also my other opinion is that if all ts really rebelled wouldn't it be favoritism to kill all but one? In my opinion they should be pardoned or all should be killed [if your a douche] :P if the problem was whether or not to freeze before or after teleporter that is a little controversial, you told them to go into tbox and freeze, which could be interepted as going into the teleport room, or going all the way into tbox. This is just a major derp, and imo shows that you guys are not ready to manage jailbreak with best intentions for the server. [once again not going to take a side just my opinion]

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...i saw 1 guy who didnt move in the video =/


Lol, I didn't know you had omniscient abilities when it comes to watching videos! Again, the person being spectated in the video isn't watching the teleporter exit the whole time. Therefore, there may as well be no video at all.



Even if you were right maybe think about what your doing before shooting all the ts? Its about what is best for the server not just killwhoring. Also my other opinion is that if all ts really rebelled wouldn't it be favoritism to kill all but one? In my opinion they should be pardoned or all should be killed [if your a douche]


My policy is to shoot rebels. That's how the game works. I'm not concerned about my ranking or credits. There is controversy on what should happen if every T on the team rebels on something, since it is not in the MotD. Some people think that everyone should be pardoned. Some people think that everyone should be killed. Some people think that they should continue to be killed until there is one left.


If every T was to leave their cell at once in the beginning of the round, even though "out of cell rebel" was called, do you think that none of them should die because it would be "killwhoring" or because "everyone rebelled at once so they should be pardoned". I'd have a hearty laugh if that was the case. What do you think the CT team would naturally do if this was to happen?



if the problem was whether or not to freeze before or after teleporter that is a little controversial, you told them to go into tbox and freeze, which could be interepted as going into the teleport room, or going all the way into tbox.


Straight quote from the video: "I want all Ts to crouch into the Tbox teleporter, and freeze once you exit the teleporter." That's pretty clear. It seems you misheard me.



This is just a major derp, and imo shows that you guys are not ready to manage jailbreak with best intentions for the server.


You speak as if there is a separate MotD describing the philosophy one should live by when playing Jailbreak.


The fact is, this situation came about because there was insufficient information in the MotD on what should happen in situations like this. No punishments can be handed out because the "demo" doesn't prove anything.

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Already discussed with HongKong and others about this. Since there is no actual demo, and only the visual aspect of this one CT, from the few times that he did look at the T's, all but 1 (possibly) seemed to have been moving and not following warden's rules. The T that might have no moved though has gone out of camera by crouching so if he did move WASD or not isn't something I can tell correctly from this video so unfortunatly I can't tell if there was 1 freekill or not. Also, leaving 1 T alive randomly is the only fair way. letting everyone who rebelled get off free just cuz they all did it is unfair, and killing them all is against the rules. So letting all the CT's kill all but one is generally unbias since every CT can shoot anyone they want, so there is no "favoritism" as speechless put it.


As for the duplolas freekill thing, from how you said it, he freekilled a T by mistake while killing another, and then slayed himself... he made a mistake and did the right thing so yeah.



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