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Coloring Door (Jackal Queenston/DarkWolf6052)

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Admins In-Game Name: Jackal Queenston xG|M

Admins STEAM-ID. STEAM_0:1:47897537

Your In-Game Name: ¤CvG¤™ Hobolozer

Your STEAM-ID. STEAM_0:1:32346478

What server did this happen in?:CSS Jailbreak

What exactly did the abuser do?:

Did they state a reason prior, if so, what was the reason?:

Did it affect other players?: No.

Explain the entire situation here: So we were on nexoid, the round just started where me and all of my fellow guards were just getting out of armory. Someone starts to shoot me or a teammate (don't remember) so I look for the only cell that has a spawned gun in it (as far as I know) and notice that the door is oddly colored and awfully hard to look into. Because of this I used my crosshairs to look for names in the cell. I only saw one name, being Jackal, so i shot him a few times. He didn't die but then a freeday was called so I just ignored it. The next round I was slayed for this. Now I understand my crosshair looking is not foolproof, and another T could have been hiding in the same cell. I get the reasoning behind slaying for that, but he then admitted to coloring the door which reminded me. If he colored the door so he could hide behind it and shoot freely without being noticed, isn't that kind of an abuse? I don't know if only admins can do that but either way, you shouldn't be able to color it so you can shoot out and we cant shoot in without being slayed. Thinking this I asked him to slay himself for coloring it, and he insisted on telling me i should stop arguing about my slay. When I explained that it wasn't my slay I was referring to, he just ignored me and again said I should stop complaining about it. That is why I am posting here. Now i'm not to sure if there are rules on coloring, but if there is then this should be against one of them. If not, then this should still be considered slayable in my opinion.

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Sorry man. Coloring is an option on the hub. Not a admin command. Dark cannot be slayed for coloring a door and hiding behind it. It is merely using tactics while rebelling. (You can even color on object while on Spectate, Dead, CT, or T.)


However, shooting into a cell with two or more Prisoners inside is a slay-able offense. Especially if you don't know who was rebelling or could not see him/her.




(Also, the person rebelling inside the colored door cell could not see out. He/she saw the same thing you were looking at. A black door. So it's not unfair.)

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-1 You can't be serious right? This is a command you have if you type !color in chat. Its called color target, which gives you the option to color any prop that is movable(doors, vents, guns, etc)


Request that this is closed on a very pointless thread reason.

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Coloring walls is not abuse as anyone can do it. Also, randomly shooting into a cell with T's in it IS a slayable offense, which you got slayed for.

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