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Aki0 JB GO Admin Abuse

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I have not watched the demo so I won't vote yet, but Min has a reputation of accusing mods of admin abuse. The other day, I slayed him for freenading while he clames he threw it @ a rebel. I checked console and he had not hit the rebel with a nade so i slayed him. He spent the entire next round complaining about a freeslayer.



You slayed me like a dumbass 145 seconds after i threw a nade the round before at a T that i killed in the armory of Dubia.





I want to talk to an Adult, one of my kind.

Lets have a moderated convo in Teamspeak with Aki0,

and i want you to hear how this kid reacts to all this shit.

Oh and trust me i will have plenty more demo's to upload, because this kid is relentless with abuse.

He comes in at 4am just to piss me off and abuse...


This whole disregarding the facts shit, lets just focus on opinions shit, is pissing me off.

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Minneapolis 3:49 AM

Your a damn liar kid

I freekill?


Fuck you

Peekachoo 3:51 AM

That's rude.

And yeah, you break server rules.

Minneapolis 3:53 AM

I dont

I am only rude to people who bullshit

Peekachoo 3:54 AM

I remember you being rude in server too man.

You and one other guy you were with.

Minneapolis 3:55 AM

I was with? Im with myself everytime i go in there

I enforce the rules more than the admins do

Unless good admins are on

i dont have to worr


Peekachoo 3:55 AM


That's not what I remember, man.

Minneapolis 3:56 AM

You must have bad memory

Peekachoo 3:56 AM

There was a case where you were doing something and someone was like, "He's friends with Blah blah on steam."

And you were being kind of a wang.

Minneapolis 3:56 AM

Im friends with 10 mods


Peekachoo 3:56 AM

And the other guy was backing you up

He wasn't in xG.

Minneapolis 3:56 AM

Some guy was backing me up?

Peekachoo 3:56 AM

And he was saying, I don't know him.

Minneapolis 3:56 AM

Like i need some guy to back me up?

your a joke kid

Peekachoo 3:57 AM

That's what I remember. Don't be a jerk.

And we were playing castle

Minneapolis 3:57 AM

Im an adult kid, grow up then talk to me

Peekachoo 3:57 AM

Yeah, so am I.

Minneapolis 3:57 AM

Make more accusations thenn

Peekachoo 3:57 AM

And this is a game.

Minneapolis 3:57 AM

Its pathetic

Peekachoo 3:58 AM

Go rage elsewhere.

Minneapolis 3:58 AM

Yes its a game I CANT PLAY when aki0 is on

Peekachoo 3:58 AM

He's actually pretty legit, man.

Minneapolis 3:58 AM

Dumbass, you go rage, grow a pair of balls asshole

Hes a fucking abusing sack of shit

Peekachoo 3:58 AM

You might not agree with that one action, but you could've just gotten over it for a round.

Yeah, this really shows your maturity.

Minneapolis 4:00 AM



Peekachoo 4:00 AM

Well, see ya.

Minneapolis 4:00 AM

You have no idea what the fuck your talking about

Fuck off

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Well this is pathetic.

He even lies after the demo was posted.


Denied everything. Never owned up to a single fucking thing.

And of course you ALL disregarded any of the truth.


And Ron, you are a shit admin, i never reported you because your not a dickhead like Aki0.

You have rage quit almost every night because people call you out on your bullshit abuse/not knowing the rules..


I just love how people here deny everything as if i made all this shit up for fun.

This is a joke even posting abuse here.

And Unique you have 1 days worth of him abusing.

1 DAY out of the last 2 weeks.

Lets just all ignore all the facts, and go by opinions. *facepalm*


I was going to donate, i was going to join xG, but you guys obviously cant even handle an admin abuse case properly.

Aki0 is a raging admin who has no idea what the rules are, he has abused for weeks, and you slap him on the back???


Fuck this.


TL;DR: Said *facepalm* as a emote, Said he wasnt going to donate and join because of this (doubt both would happen), and said Fuck this, as in rage quit. I count this as a request close :P

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akio works the cs go jb server alot , it's fucked in there ...



this seems personal



-1 this thread

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TL;DR: Said *facepalm* as a emote, Said he wasnt going to donate and join because of this (doubt both would happen), and said Fuck this, as in rage quit. I count this as a request close :P



This^ is exactly why i want to discuss with someone who is an adult.

Someone who has some common sense.


And i have talked to a few admins about joining xG, they said i do not need to donate in order to get admin, i said i like the site, and the JB Server, my one and only problem is Aki0.

I used to own/admin a lot of JB's on 1.6 and CZ.

I have been playing this for years. I am a fast learner when it comes to other servers rules.

And i do not tolerate abuse from admins who want to ruin my game due to a petty mistake they made.

The child Aki0 sets out to piss me off every night, the first thing he mentions when he gets in the server is me being there, and if i join and he is there, he talks shit about me not reporting him. So i did.

Like i said, hes been slaying/banning/talking shit/ruining the game for others for 2 weeks now.

When im trying to relax playing my game at 3am, the last thing i want to deal with before i go to work is a Teen Angst Raging Admin.

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Ok, everybody chill out. I don't want to close this thread, but I guess I might have to if you continue this slander, and refusing to cooperate with each other. Please, keep personal matters out of an Admin Abuse thread, as it contributes nothing but pure hatred and bias.


+0 for now.

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Minneapolis stop calling me a kid because quite frankly you're dealing with one of the more mature members in xG. I am an adult and if you would like to talk to me like one instead of bitching like a little kid on here, I invite you to. To higher ups: I'm sick of this troll already, anyone who says I abuse is a liar, plain and simple (ask any one of the regulars in the servers). Honestly, I don't know what I did for some of the members in xG to dislike me, so please let me know. It's people like this guy who smear my reputation in xG. He claims i'm a raging admin, doesn't know rules, been abusing for weeks, yet there's no solid proof of this.

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Towlie, why are you even in xG, all you do is troll, your almost never on jail break on Csgo so you really have no idea what your talking about.

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Minneapolis stop calling me a kid because quite frankly you're dealing with one of the more mature members in xG. I am an adult and if you would like to talk to me like one instead of bitching like a little kid on here, I invite you to. To higher ups: I'm sick of this troll already, anyone who says I abuse is a liar, plain and simple (ask any one of the regulars in the servers). Honestly, I don't know what I did for some of the members in xG to dislike me, so please let me know. It's people like this guy who smear my reputation in xG. He claims i'm a raging admin, doesn't know rules, been abusing for weeks, yet there's no solid proof of this.


You have multiple admins agreeing with me.

You are an adult? I guessed you were 15.

You act nothing like a mature adult in the server, nor on team speak.

What a joke you are....


I guess you are calling a lot of people liars, well you are the liar KID.

Im no troll, nor do i ever rage in the JB server. In fact i laugh every time you abuse and make fun of you for it.


Why would i waste my time to report this? Why would i waste my time making a demo at 4am?

Because i am telling lies is the reason?

You have abused for weeks, and even Speech has gotten complaints about you in the past.

The fact you deny everything says it all.


You guys need more proof? really? Thanks for digging deeper in the hole Aki0.

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Why do people not understand that they are not always right? Plenty of people watched the thread, just cuz they don't see eye to eye with you doesn't mean they are (lying) or whatever, it's their judgement compared to yours. I'll let Starbuck decide the outcome, but as I see it, it wasn't abuse from how vague your demo is.


Also, you saying "Why would I demo if I was lying" listen to this situation.

Bob and Tim dislike each other

Bob records demo of Tim playing JB

Bob claims Tim breaks rules all the time in the past (has no proof of anything in the past)

Bob's friends or players he plays with +1's thread of Tim's abuse

Tim gets banned even though he did nothing wrong because silly higher-ups think all demos must be right.

Bob's defense (Why would I demo Tim if he didn't break rules?)

Bob eats another human's heart for lunch to bask in his victory over Tim.




Feel free to talk to me over TS and explain your situation, I'll let Starbuck watch it and decide but I'm -1 as well.

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Minneapolis, you're nit-picking over moving 0.1m in a game and you're arguing xG should strip someone's rank for that? The 'evidence' here is lackluster at best. If Akio is really the massive admin abuser that you claim, then you should have no problem collecting plenty of legitimate evidence instead of throwing around hateful accusations. Don't use the abuse threads to get your jollies. Case closed.

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