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g00n squad

Petition for Admin

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I don't how that make you qualified to speak up on my supposed abuse thread when you were not there and didn't have the whole story.. thats just me though lol . Your not even playing!


okay, one.. your abuse thread has absolutely nothing

to do with this thread, topic, or posts. I have no idea

why you just brought that up.


so let me clear this up for you, I posted my opinion

on how the situation looked. I no where said anyone

was right nor wrong. I didn't agree/disagree with anyone.

but arguing with someone and then proceeding to

close it is sketchy, other people felt the same way

so I don't know why you decide to be immature

(aren't you fourty-two or something?)

and attack me all over the forum because of it.


and I've been playing for a while now. actually, I played

with you earlier today.


I'm sorry if you took my posts the wrong way.

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i dont think you can vouch for him to be admin and this post seems like he is ASKING for admin. Silence wont give you admin just by posting this and I dont see you on that much on jb and I play almost 24/7 plus yeah ur not active on forums :/

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This post will prolly get closed as we have no asking for admins. BUT you are one of the few people I actually trust g00n, and you are ranked 3rd in the server and see you on JB Alot (in the past and present). I'll talk to silence and ducki bout you getting moderator, but for now just try to not mention being admin again cuz silence hates when people ask from what I remember :P

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