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The new system of having teambans show up on sourcebans is great! And I know we are just now doing this so problems are expected, however there is an issue that i feel needs fixed. whenyouo are on the CT banlist, and press next instead of taking you to the 2nd page of ctbans, it takes you to page2 of bans. the next button when you click the ct bans list needs to be recoded to figure that out that it needs to take you to ctbanlist?page=next or whatever the coding for it is, instead of banlist?page=next.

@@Starbuck @@silence

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I like that Starbuck finished this :)


by the way, i don't know if its only me but when i press search on admin it doesn't work.

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upon looking further, I have noticed that it does not record team unbans, which is also another user issue that should be looked into at some point.

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Much of the credit will go to silence for this. I made the base code to convert it and search *is* working on the test server so it's just a matter of silence finding where he left of or me finding the difference between the test server and production server to fix it.

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