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Restricting Guns

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Should it be allowed to restrict guns on a map if warden says. Say you have alot of new players on a map and they are horrible with an awp (as most are) and probably are only using it because it sounds cool when you fire it. Or if you want to have a m249 for only that day. Should a warden be able to restrict or specifiy which guns you can use or possibly only be able to do this every other day?


In my opinion they should and that it wouldnt count as a special day like a warday or freeday. For example. A CT ninja day restricts the use of any guns, but make everywhere a warday, which makes it a special day, the warday part of it. If you just said only use knives it wouldnt be a special day. Though there would be restrictions on what you could restrict. Like restriction the use of a primary and/or a secondary entirely would be not allowed as it creates an unfair advantage.


I have talked to Neo and I would like to discuss one of his reasons against it. He said that restricting guns would be like restricting bombs for a day. Though there is the restriction there making his opinion valid, I dont see the two really that similar. Bombs are special items that players pay for, most of the time with their own money, doing that would not be allowed, and wouldnt work anyways considering you cant stop a person from blowing up until after the fact. Also, it would be like restricting guns for a terrorist. It simply wouldnt work. Thats why this would only be done for CTs.


Please post below what you think. I think its a good subject to discuss and any opinion would be considered.

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the reason a lot of people use the awp is because its 1 hit kill and its easy to kill rebels, most of the maps have a lot of guns to choose from but then some only have 3 weapons on them. If people are new to the game they will suck no matter what type of weapon they use and by having a warden call what gun they have to use restricts the ability of the player to use the gun that he likes or is good with, plus if there's 12 CTS there is no way all of them would use one type of gun on a map due to not enough weapons in armory this would actually make people not participate in that day or leave the server. but its a cool idea don"t get me wrong im just putting in my opinion

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I gotta say I don't approve at all. People have there strengths, and in certain circumstances/maps certain guns work better. I wouldn't think to restrict say every gun but an AWP, like say if some of the CT's suck at using it, and for the same reason I wouldn't wanna restrict AWP for if that's the only weapon some people are good with. Way too many circumstances to use different guns, jsut don't really think it'd add anything to the rounds.


Edit: -1

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Didn't read everything, but it sounds stupid.




Not only that, but some maps have a few guns. Just deal with it, get off your lazy ass and use your powers. If someone freekills with an awp slay them, if they continue breaking rules teamban. Who the hell wants to play a nitpicking server?

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Replying from my phone.


You misconstrued what I said. You brought up the example that weapons should be restricted on a certain map, because they are op. I then made the analogy that by that logic bombs should be restricted on small maps because they are op.


Like other people have stated, people have their strengths and weaknesses, and I feel it would be unfair to restrict such a thing.

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