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Member Name: foxxysam\Samantha


Player's Name: Foxxysam


Player's Steam ID: minecraft


Ban Request Reason: 75.jpg


picture says all

When it said fudge left the game, it was

because he was banned. So yer.


the reason i want this person banned is

because, this is the second time she\he has

abused and i have proof of it both times. So

2nd strike, with the new rule in effect, how

are you going to let him\her get away with

it? :\ U said your going to be more strict

silence, here's your chance.

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He said never mind after he thought i would take action against the grifter. That is another reason why i banned him, covering up for a grifter only makes things worse. I know aram is a part of our server and i wasn't gonna ban him, but him then changing his mind and saying it wasn't a grift is simply lying.

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well all i can see in that picture is that she came to check and he said nvm but grief is a grief so they don't allowd that, when she said he's still in trouble he should be for griefing? but than fudge said he lied about it. Don't believe you should lie to admins and waste there time.

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Thank you duckii. ( Also he lied about lying to cover up for aram )


This really wasn't a big deal, but rabid thinks he should report everything i do, which is spamming pretty much.

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How is it spamming, iv'e reported you twice, for rightful reasons, This was reportable because he said he likes it, it does not matter wether or not he griefed, it was on johnny's stuff therefor making it his call, if it was on someone elses land then It is Your call, but it was his, after he said nvm, You had no right to teleport to him,


You Might be an admin, But it does not make it right for you to make decisions for someone else.

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Actually it does, part of me being an admin on MC is to ensure people dont get grifted. And covering up for a grifter is counter productive.

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Me: unban me

Samantha: in ~10 min

Me: i didnt do ****

Samantha: U lied about someone greifting

Me: no i said jk dont tp

Samantha: I wasn't gonna do anything to aram, but when u thought i was

Me: and u did

Samantha: u quickly changed your story

Samantha: doesn't work that way

Me: y u so power hungry?

Samantha: im not

Samantha: im setting an example

Me: yeah... ok

Samantha: when someone grifts

Samantha: and another person covers up for him

Samantha: it causes more problems

Samantha: u did that, i know aram was kiddingaround

Samantha: but the point is dont lie to me

Me: no, IT dosent do ****, U do

Samantha: fine be that way

Me: un ban its unreasonable

Samantha: it is not though

Samantha: he grifted u

Samantha: then when u heard i might ban him

Samantha: u changed ur story


Samantha: Good

Samantha: doesn't change teh point that he grifted

Me: no go away

Samantha: alright say aram was one of your friends

Me: he is

Me: now go away

Samantha: he grifted ur house

Samantha: fine

Samantha: lol

Samantha: u talked to me

Samantha: clearly u dont understand


Me: has successfully sent a handwritten message

Samantha: Fine now its perma lol

Me: nope

Me: a

Me: c

Me: c

Me: i

Me: d

Me: e

Me: n

Me: t

Me: it was meant to go to a friend

Me: not

Me: u

Samantha: You have been perma banned from mc

Me: no it was an accident

Me: unban me now

Me: it was wrong chat

Samantha: no

Me: ya

Samantha: ANd silence isn't gonna unban u either

Me: ya he will

Samantha: we shall see

Me: un ban now

Me: it was an accident

Me: meanty to send it to rabid

Me: u better unban me NOW

Me: fine forums it is

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Yeah that makes no ******* sense, you perma-banned him from minecraft because he accidently typed(not even said) something to you on the forums. Thats just stupid and makes no sense. He should be unbanned from minecraft and you should be banned for Admin abuse Sam.

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zoid if u were paying any attention to those ^ up there she did not abuse , technically she took it as prbally a major admin disrespect?

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