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Debate: Re-Entering the Armory

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This is stupid, CTs don't have to reenter armory period. Anyone who camps armory will get slain, therefor no one has to go into armory to kill rebels.


Edit: Someone could say, "Oh! I was looking for rebels!" as an excuse to go back in.


The difference being they HAVE TO SEE THEM GO IN

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If they see a T go in, they can enter armory, that's how I see it



How the hell are you supposed to know if they saw a T go in, that's my point.


you can either:

1. ask the ct if he was there already or if he was following the t

2. spec him

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How do you spec him if he's alive?


How do you know he's not lying?


YOU spec him. If he's dead do it next round.


People always lie, about everything. Generally someone will be able to shed some light on the situation to know if there really was a T in there and if the CT could have seen him.

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I meant to say, "How do you spec him if you're dead?"


You dun goofed again.


If he's dead just wait another round. Stop saying what if.


What if the server crashes, what if he's xG:L, what if he is a T.

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I'm with Scythian on this one... CTs can always lie about seeing a T go in to armory especially on certain maps... And you can't really spec someone "the next round" because he may not do it again after someone complains about him "Pretending that he saw a T go in the armory" (All he did really was checked how many total Ts are left and how many are accounted for in the line up or something).


I think CTs should only be allowed to chase after a rebel in armory if that person never left armory for a certain amount of time...

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You say this as though I'm offering up outlandish situations... as Shen said, this is a common occurrence and I feel that it would be best if CTs just can't return to armory.

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I liked the rule where CT's can never re-enter armory period. That's what I always abided for the longest time. Even back then when I saw T's go into armory, I wouldn't exactly chase them because it seemed.. "cheap".

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The thing that kind of bothers me with this "assume armory" thing is that it could nullify any chance that the T had, thereby nullifying the fact that there is even a vent. Vents can turn into a de facto "bait" at that point; you can try to go in them, but you're going to end up dying. If the CT is following the T in the vent and enters the armory by following them, at least that might give the T some sort of chance. If they use this "I'll just assume that they went into the armory" approach, then they can take a short cut and probably get there before the T can do much of anything at all. Maybe on Lego there might not be a faster shortcut for the CT to take, but there's definitely one on other maps like Freeway, Dubai, Castleguard, and arguably on Alpha. I mean, CTs already camp RIGHT outside the armory door on Dubai with auto snipers all the damn time. On Freeway, any decent CT will be watching the upper armory door and the outside pool area with an awp. That's debilitating enough as it is for the Ts. Being able to go directly into the armory and wait for them just because they saw them go in there makes it that much worse. There's also the question as to whether or not the CT needs warden permission to do this.


I mean, if it's against the rules to go into a vent cell and camp it from the inside (or anywhere else deemed "cheap" by an admin) for a CT, then why would entering the armory and effectively camping the vent exit be any better? I think allowing re-entrance to the armory by DIRECTLY following the route that a T is taking (and actively seeing them take that route by being behind them) should be the only exception. If you lose a T in vents on Lego, for instance, but check the roulette vent and see that it isn't broken but see that the armory vent is, I'd be perfectly fine with the CT making the assumption that they are in vents at that point, though. Being able to go into the armory just because they saw a T go into the vent seems way too excessive, in my opinion. I mean, if the vent on Lego didn't lead to armory that round but only to the pool area, but the CT assumed they went to the armory because they felt like it and could, they could very well end up shooting a T in the armory that was not seen going into the armory because they took a different route.


Additionally, lots of CTs on castleguard like to jump on the ledge of the door controls and just stare at the vent exit with an auto snipe if they think Ts are in it. I don't really understand how that isn't vent camping. It's no different that being in the armory on the other side of the glass and camping the exit. At worst, if I know a T went into the vent, I'll try to shoot at them from the top of the main cell block. It at least gives them some chance. Also, some CTs like to follow the Ts into the vent on that map, and since the vent is rather long, it's easy to shoot shoot them to pieces while they're in it. At that point, if the other ends of the vent are not open, the CT has two (three, but no one does this) options left: vent camp or break the vent open (or kill themselves). For this reason, I think that the vent on that map should be restricted for CTs unless they KNOW that one of the exit vents are already open.


As for camping armory/vents as a T, I think I'll post a separate thread on that later. Sometimes you can't help but camp the armory/vents because CTs are outside camping the crap out of them. To demand that a T leave the armory or be slayed when they'll get shot to shreads if they do either seems ludicrous. I was slayed for "vent camping" on Kajoly once because I was waiting for an opportune moment to come out of the vent. I waited because I knew that if I didn't wait for a point when the CTs might be distracted, there would be a CT with an AWP staring at the vent from far away waiting for me. I wasn't even camping the entrance of the vent; I was waiting at the exit. Any CT could have come up behind me and shot me easily. If a T is camping armory/vents just to camp (which should be obvious if the admins are given some discretion), that would be another story.

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/\/\/\/\ now THIS is what i call a valid opinion with lots of valid evidences to support his point.


Yesterday, I was on the server and was following the new rule for CT reenter armory. I noticed that it is kinda hard to tell if a CT is following a T into armory or he just randomly walk in there to check for rebels. This might promote armory camping for the Ts even more when they know that CTs reenter armory rule is now even less strict. Another point is that, say a CT already kill a rebel inside armory, he now have a reason to hang around the armory instead of leaving immediately just by saying that "I saw another rebel in here and i'm looking for him". Who knows he's lying or not.....:cower:

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