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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  2. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  3. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  4. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  5. After careful examination, you have been declined to join Xeno Gamers. This could have been a number of reason, whether you don't fill the submission requirements or you can't get enough vouches. Even though you were declined, it doesn't mean you can't be active on the forum and Mumble. Who knows, you might be accepted if people get to know you better! Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  6. Rhododendron


    [attach]6658[/attach] I wish my dad was Snorlax. He wouldn't beat me like my mom's boyfriend jimmy does. If Snorlax was my father things would be different.
  7. After careful examination, you have been declined to join Xeno Gamers. This could have been a number of reason, whether you don't fill the submission requirements or you can't get enough vouches. Even though you were declined, it doesn't mean you can't be active on the forum and Mumble. Who knows, you might be accepted if people get to know you better! Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  8. The Droid X has a better processor in terms of specifications. At least it's not 2 years old (gotcha there.) Who cares if the screen is too big? Get a different phone lol. The Droid 3 will have a dual core processor so I wanna see what Apple does to top it.
  9. Rhododendron


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  10. After careful examination, you have been declined to join Xeno Gamers. This could have been a number of reason, whether you don't fill the submission requirements or you can't get enough vouches. Even though you were declined, it doesn't mean you can't be active on the forum and Mumble. Who knows, you might be accepted if people get to know you better! Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  11. Rhododendron

    the PG-13!

    If you wanna go like that, is it racist that most of Africa is black and most of Asia is asian?
  12. Rhododendron

    the PG-13!

    How will the community go down the drain if this rule is in effect?
  13. What about Android? RIM is getting killed by Android OS! You should include Android in this competition!
  14. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  15. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  16. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  17. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  18. You need 3 vouches so I will leave the thread open for a bit :D
  19. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  20. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  21. Swag's parent's weren't happy with him so they sent him to join the army. Needless to say, it wasn't going well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfOCsuss3jI&feature=relmfu
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYTeiScvgQM&feature=channel_video_title This is what Swag does in his free time. Post video's showing what you do in your free time!
  23. Rhododendron


    Johnny you are lying straight up. You did not 'accidentally' send a picture of male genitalia to Foxysam and even if it was an accident, you brought up your interesting relationship between you and Rabid_Turtle. Apparently you guys like to send pictures of male genitalia to each other and that's none of my business, but please, don't talk about your relationship on the forum. You just keep lying so I can't support you any longer. You will be banned from the MC server for 96 hours for lying multiple times. This is the last warning and the next ban will be permanent. If I get any reports of you threatening people with attacks, you will be kicked out of the clan, banned from every [xG] resource, and executed by the crack of dawn.
  24. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  25. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730