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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. Prepare the Ballister.

    Anyways i see no reason for this member protest , She has her reason to disrespect sometimes but its okay to keep it down abit, Just mute him through player mute if hes annoying you :3. Also, I've seen a few of you previously just disrespecting her as a team and trying to ♥♥♥♥ her off.. So i say stop that and maybe this will end?

  2. First you say .. Outside of your cell your a rebel, Open the cells and spam nades into each cell until u have 2 T's left. Or get everyone to go outside of vip shoot the mall and try to keep 1 or 2 alive.

  3. You know serb this is adding to our skills to :3 seriously because i have fire pistol + frost pistol and i just constantly shoot them with a glock, Wit the fire they can hardly see me and at the same time they are frozen which than stop them from running

  4. First its not being ban but Ct banned and not for warden stuff.. Yest is being ct ban 1 day for killing the T on purpose though he won he should already know that rule.. And face had refused to slay himself after asked and told how he freekilled. And Im sure they said er not gga.

    They both will only be banned for 1 day..

  5. Well i watched the demo and the only thing i saw breaking the rules were- Wicked and Face.. Because when warden died ik they didn't call it in time but the T's could have ran about and do anything but they still followed order and the person who said it was a freeday had ran up the 1 of the Ct and began knifing him, Same after connect 4... But still Wicked had messed up on a Gun toss and the T had won.. And he still knifed the t and kill him. He should have already known the rules about this and now i think he deserves a 1 Day ct ban if not more ...


    And faces had freekilled you and refused to Slay himself .. As you are right when wicked had only said Shift walk outside and no other orders.. And you just continued like any other T's and ran about.. After saying the orders to freeze you have froze and than faces came by and just scout u and kill you.. So u ask for a slay and he refused so you told him why he still refused..


    These 2 will be Ct ban for atleast a day not more and be told to follow the rules or face the Consequence of not.

    And yeh i heard 2 people saying the N word ...

  6. Eww a hobohunter.., Anyways llke mohammed said just say talk over warden ur a rebel and start killing off the mic spammers ;3. Also, Admins/mod should be muting people who keeps mic spamming..