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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. guys... if u have read the promotion and demotions we're having alot of changes to those and will soon be told after everything is done.... Also this won't stop happending because of the members we have if you have major problem or seen members disrespecting alot and so on or even abusing there admin and saying they could do what ever they want just cause there admin just report the player with proof and they may be removed of that admin power or kicked out of the clan.


    Promotions and Demotions - Week 6


    Ok, we are undergoing major leadership renovation, so at this time, Promotions and Demotions will be postponed until we can finalize the new structure of xG. I'm sorry about the delay and I hope we can work out the future of xG.

    This is shown in promotion and deomtion tab if u have not taking time to look at it or did not know but we're changing up the leadership ect...


    It's like impossible to stop sht talking and those stuff because people just rage to much or like making other members mad and think its funny.

  2. lets just stop with the ddosing beceause than that will just caused alot of problems.... if you have any problem with a person thats within the clan and don't want him in the clan or whatever just report to the forums and have proof ready and silence or so will handle it next time jsut ignore him if hes using his mic player mute him from your playerlist and go on with the game.

  3. you guys fight to much... also even if this was fun but none of the player that you killed agreed it was fun such as Rabid you cannot do this and must slay urself next time ... please don't do this again because than it will cause problems and people want you slayed, Also this isnt the right place to make a thread of this but yeh .. stop fighitng and don't do this again because its just mass freekilling and your an admin who should know the rules...

  4. well i think admin should determine ratio and so on but i say that people can be ct without a mic because than if not the ratio would be off , for example a ct was asked if i could swap all non mic players to T and guess what it was 2 to 24 ? a big ratio difference there but if the ratio is fine but a T with a mic who can take warden wants Ct they will be swap with a non Mic ct player by admin if asked to.

  5. well if theres any thing wrong with servers,or map post in the server glitch but yeh there is problem because of the update from steam so we'll have to bare it for abit

  6. cmon illusion whats with all the **** you must calm down besides no3 members arent the brightess people since they go around onto other clans forum and posting saying that there clan is much better and so on , so cool down don't need to sware in every sentences you type.

  7. well i don't think this will go well because many Wardens will kill other Ct's for little stuff or just because they hate him/her also T warden? most T's will just kill their fellow members for the fun of it . So this wouldn't be well at all in my opinion , And also we have ban request for a reason if there is any freekiller you encounter and no admins online just report that player and follow the template...


    We'll need his/her Steam id .. Ex: Steam_x_xxxxx

    Evidence of what he/she did wrong

    ^^^ those are the main things we need , so yeh just report that player and we'll deal with that person and make sure they dont get ct or play on the server again which than lowers the freekilling at night.


    Steam ID

    To get steam id enable your console if you have not yet by going to option < Keyboard < advance option <enable console - Than while in server with the player type in Status and it will show all the players within that server and their steam id next or under their names.

  8. apathy weren't we all kids once? it's just like as if u wanna play a game but you were to young and was a kid and got banned because of it would that sound fair? Everyone should atleast get a chance to play dont you think? we're only accepting young members because of there listening skills , maturity's , So if you don't like this idea than why stay? if you hate younger people so much because they annoy you good luck out there because css is full of younger people,


    Also, aegean Ero is online but hes takin breaks from css but hes on sometime , But we'll see what we'll do about the younger members and how we'll accept them to the clan soon or now.

  9. hmmmm.... yeh we got new tarp rules since "Tarp" was abuse to much.... but if u want to eliminate down to 3 T's try doing something like first reaction last reaction or race , ect .... if u just killed them without doing any games thats considering a mass freekill.... trivia's okay but be fair with All T'.

  10. well right now as i can see what zeus and silence is doing is testing it and later improving it so for can we jsut remove it and readd it when ur rdy to test it again? just having to many problems with the ct muted and freekilling and more thnx

  11. lol... we have a motd for reason and when i slayed him to explain what he did and the rules he just started calling me retarted and stupid because i didnt know the rules and boundaries of a map , what happend was he was in awp tower not looking out but camping right at the ladder - that is considered in amoury because because u werent out on platform ... the bounderies of lego is the platforms of both the low and high area ... so after explaining that he called me dumb , retarted , idiot , ect so i kicked him for disrespecting me

  12. outlaw if ur sick and tired stop disrespecting than your alway calling me stupid and retarted for slaying you for freekill and breaking the rules , Stop raging for your own mistake and taking punishment from the admin and be mature about it .

  13. haha am i? people always acuse me of freekilling even the Warden xD ~ kids~ but i follow the order and kill people who dont obey and sometime give them time to do it instead of killing them that instant for a little delay ~ bad ct's does this ~ makes the game boring

  14. hmmm... now your saying u did freekill and u made up a whole story about your brother taking over your pc and than quit and u try to rejoin the server but was ban.... Member of the xG should be more honest instead of lying your way out of ban.