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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. i dont think they need to keep asking an admin to approve of the game.. once approve they may play it anytime
  2. hmm... alittle would be fine but if its way over than thats just a ban but ye... try not disrespecting or break many rules of the servers, same goes with the forum.
  3. Duckii


    hmmmm.... well as i can see it that many members have broken these rules once , even more... but Kaka seems to have people backing him up and so on and many players who hates... but i can say that kaka can disrespect and break rules sometime but many members have provoke him to do so.. All admins must respect members to .. they can't just disrespect a player and than they get mad and disrespect back than that admins kick for warning? that would just make the clan seem like a bad clan so i suggest all admins try to respect other players of the server and clan ... I've seen a few admin disrespecting Kaka and he disrespects back but yeh try not to do that .
  4. Duckii

    Chaos !!!!!

    well.. if admins r to beable to teamban but not unteamban that wouldn't go so well as i can see it .... if they are team ban perma i don't think they would have anymore fun on the server as T forever so like they could be teamban for a bit till they know the rules much better and so on than be unteamban otherwise it wouldn't be to fair. Also , Would be nice if Ct's who has been warden actually share their warden instead of taking it everyround or spamming to get it because they didn't get it or w.e ... These main wardens are just greedy with power and probally Point whores as in just wanna kill off as many T's they could and get higher rank.... But a plugin that chooses a random Warden wouldn't be to nice as i can say because like no mic? pass on to someone thats not good with warden who just makes the game worst wouldn't be fun... I've played a jb that had a warden command like just type in !control and the Ct who typed that in first become warden and on the screen it says who is warden and that person changes colors.. thats more better than a random one ?
  5. yea lol everytime im on the server the most game played nearly every round is first reaction last reaction... more games can be played if they were accepted by an admin ... if the game was new and an admin approve of the game the warden may play that game but if the Admin have rejected the game because of how the rules or w.e the game cannot be played unless approved by an admin
  6. Duckii

    spoon murder?

    why not take the spoon and hit that creepy guy back :D?
  7. hmmm.... I would say that admin usually should watch that player on lr's or so for a bit than they would so something about it after being warned not to rebel on lr next time just record a demo or so thnx
  8. yea.. um we alrdy tried out 2 members which we had chose ssully to join the main scrim team ... we still possible have 2 spot on main but me and mailman is awaiting on you guys to let us know when ur ready so than we can arrange the tryout for you guys and decide been waiting for quite a bit to lol...
  9. Duckii

    Admin Problem

    Alright ummm.... Many people does not know how to record demos or to lazy to than spam admins to get in for little things... as during the night when freekillers are on people just post that there are freekiller on during night instead of recording ademo or taking screenshots >_<.. To record demo - Open Console type in "Record (name)" [Do not place ( or "] this than will record what ever is on your screen.. To stop the recording you simply type in "Stop" in your console this than will stop the demo and save to your cstrike folder in steams folder ex:Steam\SteamApps\xxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike folder. Than you can upload on to any website you want and place the url during your report... [suggested mediafire.com] If There is any major rule breaker who does this repeadely just take a demo of the player get their steam id and report it to us and than we can deal with it ... Also within Surf i believe when i play it there are many spawnkillers which than i slay for but than whines about me abusing because we had spawn protection and had time to leave... right now i am saying even with spawn protection we can still be killed because of the upgrades within the server ... We can be frozen because of frost pistol or icestab which stops us from leaving the spawn.. So... any spawnkilling at all is slayable so if anyadmin spots this slay :)
  10. Duckii

    Going to Medic

    indeed.. but if people got freeshot and ur going to do a game that will damage them a bit or so example : Soccer deathmatch .. you should let them heal because of freeshot giving them less chance of surviving
  11. Duckii

    Well darn

    yea... being vac ban wouldn't be so much fun beacuse most the good server is vac secured xD and other hackers play in non vac servers
  12. Duckii

    Admin Problem

    Ye... we use to have admin submissions and sell admin ... The buying admin thing didn't go so well since people would abuse .. also we removed admin submission because we want people who is active on server/forums/and mumble because back when we had submission people join sumit and never was on forums again
  13. Duckii

    Well darn

    um ye.. once vaced cant be unvac so the only thing u can do is buy another css acc... bhop scripting isnt worth it ..
  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  15. Duckii


    hmmm... so its just plain old skin u see in many servers?
  16. yea... it kinda hurts my eyes looking at it at a large size
  17. Duckii


    soo.. your saying the skin is not showing so just normal skins?
  18. still waiting on you guys to let us know when ur ready..
  19. Duckii

    Count to 10000

    10000? lol the most random thread i ever saw okay i start at 3
  20. Duckii

    can make a spray plz

    what do u want me to make u a spray that has ummm... barney dancing? with colorful background? ^_^
  21. Duckii


    and whats wrong with the skin please give details :)
  22. Duckii

    can make a spray plz

    failure ^ above me not chaz
  23. Duckii

    Unban please?

    haha well thats nice to know u love to troll but trolls - failures because they have nothing in life to do but troll people , Go get a life
  24. kaka im sure u were forum ban ... i dont think u want that again stop posting on these old threads.
  25. excision r u saying everyone should get a mic to tell u theres a freekiller? please make sure u pay more attention to the chats because alot of people complains and get no answers