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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  2. well i like both onein the chamber and sharpshooter but clockwars is nearly like invisible man xD
  3. Duckii


    lol xG enermy destroyer xD
  4. well i tried using other reasons but it doesnt work :( so i place freekill
  5. banana i am saying you'll have to work for it as in respect , activity , ect... We're getting a new structure soon and i think in it have people who does promotion and deomtions basing on how the members are doing... Also johnnmgcg what do u mean you noticed that there are more xG tags than xG members? asi n xG:R , xG:M ?
  6. Well i thought we had no cheap lr's in the motd but i think we should replace it in there so for now i say that they should be slayed if they are to glitch a ct into a wall... Cheap lr as i can say is having more advantage than your oppenent which incase is glitching the ct into a wall where u can run off and he/she is stucked into the wall , but who ever said this was legal i believe not .
  7. We don't have admin recommendation anymore for now youll have to work for admin :)
  8. well we use to have a gungame ... twice now... still not populated so ye
  9. ummmm lol how can u tell? >_<
  10. lol well i alway try my best helping people in needs who calls me but usually everytime i play like a different game such as killingfloors i get called in jb cause no other admins are within the server and not on so yeh.. i try my best to help out. ... also i wonder who voted no D:
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  13. i say yessss ^_^ i cant stay in jb forever i actually wanna play other games
  14. Duckii


    i believe i am just a newb player who loves to rebel <3
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  16. Duckii

    Clan war

    um what? what is it lol
  17. well guys we still have tarp but these requirement must be met before using tarps... "Tarping is illegal. A Warden cannot confuse the T's until he has given 3 orders and 3 minutes have passed. If the warden does not fulfill this requirement, they might be slayed or CT banned." We had no choice but remove tarp until u meet these requirements ^ because it was over used each round there would be tarps every round and nearly most orders had tarps in them so yeh
  18. Duckii

    xG Constitution

    lol reccomendations... we'll see how silence & llama will do this ^_^
  19. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  20. well now you are ... you were usually never on css but on like wow , l4d2 and yeh you havent been to active :o
  21. Duckii

    xG Constitution

    as i can see it , It's based on promotions so you got to work your way up there but i believe when this is introduce silence will pick out members who will be fulfilling those higher up levels.
  22. Duckii

    xG Constitution

    this would be great :D than people can manage ban request / protest each day because silence is usually to busy to do so ^_^... now we need to fill those in if we're using this with members trust worthy of those positions
  23. well silence is the owner of the server so yeh... but even if the admin who is abusing is reviewing it all they can do is deny it but there is also other admins of this but now we got a new admin system structure that will be deciding on alot of other stuff so it will let silence have more time.
  24. hmmm alot of stuff there lul... and we're alrdy deciding on those parts i think where people are in charge of ban , members and so on... Also about the group that decides on abusive power ect... i don't really think we need that we got many players within the server and any of them could get proof of abuse and post it for silence or so to check it over , Jailbreak is the main server where most admins are within so if 1 admin see's it as abuse they could get the proof and report or if they are higher level admin above that they could take it on there own action. Servers - We know we have alot of server but as i can see it the 3 main server populated from highest to lowest is ... JailBreak , Surf Deathmatch , and Minigames - These are the main servers that admins are on to watch but mostly in jailbreak a few in surf and minigames , It would be nice if the admins player on all the servers and other members help populate them this would make it easier because as i can see it that admins don't play in other servers but these 3 because of population , so most of the admins are within jailbreak because that server is usually populated.