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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Duckii

    Mr. Wooby #43

    if u can edit your post into this template... Your SteamID: Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a): Why should you be unbanned?:
  2. well its just the warden they play what they want to play that is allowed so ye :p
  3. he must say "simon said unfreeze" or "Simon said freeze until next given order" if he had not say one of these the T's must keep frozen and if they are killed because they did the right thing its considered a freekill.
  4. Duckii

    Admin command chart

    this is the rule of a perma banned , Ban Time You should never use a permanent ban unless it is for the following reasons: The person broke the rules and then fled. The person performed a massive freekill and fled. If the person does not fall into this criteria, they should NOT be getting permanently banned.
  5. well were u guysi n the game simon says? if so if he says freeze stay frozen if he gives and other command before saying unfreeze and you dont do anything and he kills its a freekill and admin will slay if they are there to see
  6. it's not implied that you have to go into iso ... If the warden only say walk to iso its to it not in it so this is not considered a tarp if many people are listening he said to not in, I think we will add a rule where We may Tarp on simon says but cannot play that game every 3 rounds or so than it would make it a bit fair, We still have tarp but a requirement is needed to beable to use tarp. Sorry if you were slayed but not everyone know when its a tarp or not, I recommend the people should talk about whats a tarp or not, So that there wouldn't be any confusion in the future when warden had given a order.
  7. well im not saying that but it all depends on the warden who will let people heal. If we add no favortism than noone can heal unless warden allows you so as in if 1 gets to heal all gets to heal , this would probally make it harder on Ct's since this sometimes where most rebelling occurs so they would probally not let many people heal unless the number of T's are reduced.
  8. Duckii

    Admin command chart

    well i think admins should know that alrdy... if it was accdient slay , again ct ban and tell them to read motd if it was intentional freekill ct ban right there with no warnings.
  9. if we do add no favoritism its gunna be harder for people who freeshoot to heal since many wardens don't want the whole entire T going into heal because a big major chance of rebeling so ye...
  10. Duckii

    Zombie Escape!!!

    lol i think we still need to work on it or not cause last time i played on it we had limited ammo and couldnt buy guns.... and couldnt kill the boss cause we run out of ammo lol
  11. Duckii

    Mr. Wooby #43

    hmmm very first thing that could help u be unban is by following our Ban protest format, And if its true that you don't know how to work many tech i believe that if you would have gotten a hack your account would have been vacced banned because many hacks out there are detectable and would be banned from all vac secured server.
  12. why would u slay the pet... u got to let the warden who got the pet to let him compete for lr's, or not even have a pet ... Don't slay them because they were chosen to be a pet. Also why bann miniwarden ? i think it should be like umm.. as in when the warden dies that mini warden will be the warden besides i believe only wardens can make someone miniwarden lol.
  13. Duckii

    Admin command chart

    right now i see many admin do this but some just ban instead of giving warnings.
  14. Duckii


    first off use correct format and give us proof of his hack
  15. other we don't need a format for minecraft this ban protest format is for all servers .. Tf2 , Css , and minecraft
  16. well people can do that with bhopping lol if they are good with bhop otherwise its just a script , So ill just take ninjew words that the demo shows nothing since i can't really watch it but i need proof of him walling.
  17. Duckii


    someones mad... lol
  18. may i see some magical :o? i cannot watch that demo for some reason im getting errors trying to play it ^
  19. lol 3pm central :D 3pm eastern here lol
  20. first off try using correct format :) .. .Also are u sure that it was not last ct?
  21. well... i dont think we'll be really using this but thnx for trying , If you have problems with admins and they are abusing just report with proof and we'll deal with them mkay thnx.
  22. Duckii


    First of All you didn't follow the ban protest Template , Second If you are to mass freekill or so than fled thats a perma banned from all the servers. Please make another thread with the correct format thnx.
  23. Duckii


    lol haha xD its sometime funny how they rage when u rebel like everyround.. does it really matter if people know you as a rebel? besides otherwordly its because there isnt so many great Ct's to watch hehe but we'll see to that theres gunna be better ct hopefully <3
  24. Duckii


    lol ye.... if ur wanting someone demoted you can't just make a thread saying "i demand a demotion" without having the person you want to be demoted
  25. hmmm... can we try combining scatterball with doctore dodge but the only players that can revive is the doctors... so 1 doctor per team and that doctor can revive players on their team but once they die from an enermy they cant respawn unless that enermy was killed :D?