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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. haha am i? people always acuse me of freekilling even the Warden xD ~ kids~ but i follow the order and kill people who dont obey and sometime give them time to do it instead of killing them that instant for a little delay ~ bad ct's does this ~ makes the game boring
  2. hmmm... now your saying u did freekill and u made up a whole story about your brother taking over your pc and than quit and u try to rejoin the server but was ban.... Member of the xG should be more honest instead of lying your way out of ban.
  3. hmmmm i dont know if i should really believe this story of yours
  4. how would you know of this?
  5. mkay than those select few next time you see them just ban them
  6. hmmm... far as i know it seems it true that u were perma banned and try to rejoin under different names many times ..... as shown in my attachment .. so its seem your not telling the truth .. idk if this should be lifted or not , unless that steam id ^ that you have gave us is fake this is what i found searching up your steam id within sourceban
  7. well as i see this plugin its hard to tell whos warden if it only shows in mini chat where spams and stuff goes on so we need like umm... if possible it says across the screen
  8. well if this group of sod people r trolling and freekilling members than we can just ban everyone thats with in that group , unless the ldr of the group wanna kick members of the group who constanly freekills and break rules than it would be fine until than if that whole group is just a troll and freekilling ban them all... ill watch them if i see them in the server
  9. Duckii

    Perma Banned

    well... your ban can possible be lifted if u retry this by using the protest formats thnx ^_^
  10. rabid please respect members on the forum and servers stop disrespecting others or provoking them to disrespect u and rage thnx. ~closed
  11. Well if so just make a ban protest using the correct format for us plox
  12. yea... with the red color change when rebel , the ct's could actually get a good hit on the rebeler that is in the middle of like 20 T's and many of the ct's wish not to hit others during crossfire but showing them as red makes it much easier for Ct's to get a goodshot... But i guess the rule could be changed up abit to make it abit fairer as in Banning the order "RED YOUR DEAD" from the server.
  13. Duckii

    xG Sucks

    lol random thread? from a no3 member? going around on people clan forum and posting these stuff up thats shows that your clan has great members :)..
  14. hmm... thats what we're trying to decide new rules and more but if you guys have any suggestion just make a thread and only 1 thread please previous rule suggestions had more than 2 threads on jb rules.
  15. Duckii

    Hats plz

    please try not posting these useless post on the forum about you havin no money for hats just get a friend or someone to donate for you.
  16. Duckii

    Well darn

    well... some people have shaky mouse movement either because sensi or cold /shaking hands so yeh
  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  18. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!! You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated. To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name. Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank. Have Fun!!!
  19. Duckii

    Well darn

    gratz ^_^ this time don't use any sort of hax scripts what so ever.. its not worth it , so for now just learn to bhop and practice it each time you play and than you should get better and better .
  20. yea...ben don't have the ability to since he does not have access to the sourceban webpage where all of your ban can be edit by you and silence only.. non others so only person that can unban him at this moment is silence others player with access can't do anything so i suggest that more admin gets access to sourceban
  21. Duckii

    Chaos !!!!!

    First of all zeus if all the Ct's must have mic no excuses the ratio of the server ct to t would be way off as in like 1:3 which would make it much more difficult for the Ct's to control T's so a few or more can be Ct without a mic and if they ratio is fine but a T wants Ct and has a mic and able to take warden than a Ct without mic would be swap with that current player... 2. well.... we can try that if u can get one to work for us but than we would have to get that 1 admin who did the ban and discuss it with that 1 person on why that person was teamban ... also people will sometime make ban protest about teamban and win some cases and we'll need that 1 admin to unban if it was a long time as in 7+... so ye
  22. Duckii


    ummm... silence disable guest post because we had 1 of them spamming our forum and i had to keep deleteing the postes , he kept spamming i will do this till i am unban , both me and silence at that time did not know how to ban an ip adress so he disabled guest post
  23. guys we do have a forum? just discuss it all on the forums and we'll decide if it will be added/removed/or changed we dont need all the members to go into mumble to discuss about the rules
  24. Duckii


    well he did get ban from the forum for spam and kicked out of xG but its fine for him to use the tabs of admin abuse , ban request , and ban protest otherwise the other is off limit for him