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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. well both me and her are at school, and she couldnt say no because of the way i proposed her. During a play at school (we are both in theater class) i asked the dude to tell everybody to stay after the end. In the play i "proposed her" because it was part of the play, but after it, I was all like "This wasnt a joke. Will you marry me" and i said that infront of 200 people.

  2. Well, I already told aegean and serbian, and i got their okay.

    Pretty much, I got a social life, i've had a girlfriend for nearly 3 years and yeah, I decided to propose her. She accepted.

    What that means is i WILL be inactive untill the 14th (THE day) and maybe one week more. I'll try keeping in touch with yall mofos, but it'll be hard. But yeah, Good ol' arthy's getting married :D

  3. Dont touch the current mc, It doesnt need anything YET. i had a little plan, for later, and imma introduce you to it when everything is set up. Maybe link the portals on the new spawn and wipe the old?

  4. For the first time in awhile Imma put an actual input. div leader feel free to edit my message if you deem it too brutal. Shadow, You are a piece of shit. You keep annoying everybody, you troll, you're most likely the reject at school that get bashed on. I see you try to get some of our member banned over NOTHING. You also think you are always right, which is not right. I havent gotten around playing with you alot, and i dont fucking look forward to. You arent anything here except for a random that annoys everybody. Just get out and keep what's left of your Dignity, if you have some, Because your kind isnt welcome here. Now, Get the fuck out, you cocksucking piece of shit faggot

    >op is a faggot

    >this thread gave me cancer

  5. well, There is the !hub that lets you buy stuff with credits you earn in game. You can donate for said credit, or earn it.

    We also sell mod and admin to those who play on the server

    Prices are


    Paid mod (xG:PM) 50 bucks

    Paid Admin (xG:PA) 75 bucks.


    Paid mod (xG:PM) 30 bucks.

    Paid Admin (xG:PA) 50 bucks.

  6. Ill point out something. Proof are good for everything, but they are NOT required to ban protest. they can help you getting unbanned and then fill an abuse thread, but not having proof is completly fine. so for those who -1 saying No proof, it doesnt make sense.