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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. No.


    I personally think you are rejoining because the other things you tried to do (Other clans perhaps) didnt work because:

    -You are immature

    -You cuss more then I do. I cuss a lot.

    -You flame people all the time.





    Maturity 0

    Activity N/A (Haven't seen you on... But you go by other names so IDK)

    u troll so fucking much and u joined 2 times and left and now ur trying again sorry but no


    Peppermints app

    Application: Peppermint




    I dont know

    Have fun

    Bye everyone who really liked me

    Bye guys /:

    Bye for a bit guys



    >mfw [PLAIN]Im back(:[/PLAIN]


    You get banned way to often.


    Not to mention you attempted to recruit xG members. Then when a co-leader was in ts and I brought it up, you said you would never recruit "shitty xG members."

    "Shut up you bitch" - earlier today


    Over 6 bans wow


    Makes another clan thinking it would be better


    Says this one sucks







    All that

  2. sorry friend, But this is none of my bussiness on if he gets banned or not. I act only on forums if OP requested or, if there's no proof for exemple. I just make life easier for other Ds

  3. any serious threat either.
    i was dead serious.

    *Edit: You were on CT. If you watch the demo you talked when you were CT thus proving you were a CT. Also as for the map before, I said "Cts are no longer allowed to help Ts" as it was a skill jump race and he was showing a shortcut. He then proceeded to tell them to "jump on the crates" as quickly as he could to try to get away with it. Which is another time where you wernt only on CT, you broke a rule and then refused to slay yourself.
    and i stopped when you said no CT helping. and then you tried to get an admin in to FREEslay me.

  4. ok duplolas, you are autistic. I never threathened to ban ANYBODY. all i did was swap an 8 years old that kept spamming on CT to t.


    freekilling, banning, and mute/gagging.
    And i dont do that, as i dont play CT.

    you also said "that he insulted me non-stop" I never insulted you son. Dont think that you are a good admin, cuz you are not. All you do is look after trouble with other mods/admin. I see why SOO many people keep a hatred for you. you are simply ANNOYING. You dont even get the rules right (for exemple, the "mass freekill" on which you didnt even ban the guy, you were just like yeah ban him) Next time i get proofs on you, You are going down, Badmin.

  5. Echo, people abuse on each other too much.
    i dont abuse on other mods nor does turdwig and now we are stuck not being able to do simple things such as SLAYING AFK MODS. This makes me REALLY mad because i used to be able to do THIS SHIT but now i cant. and people dont understand how the new mechanic work and they expect you to slay afkers even if they are mods.