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Posts posted by Arthman

  1. Suppmadud is a mod, towny isnt known, thats all i need to say.
    it's multiworld with faction also, Second, super's a GREAT mod. Also, your -1 is not taken into consideration as you havent even PLAYED on the server recently.

  2. I feel like closing this already as you already have tried and got denied. But, I do not take any actions on CSS div unless it's admin abuse with no proof or ban request (or in rare cases, if op request close) Ill go with a +1 for reducing the ban to 1-2 weeks, as if the nade didnt kill anybody or 1-2 people, It Shouldnt result in a perm CT.

  3. gon steal someone's job.


    Okay, first, we cannot stress how important having proof is. without it, all we can do is watch. Witnesses are good but they arent any sort of proof (i see you got some, But it's soo easy to tell a friend to back you up.)

    Inb4 agean hates his job
