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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. last ct isnt as op as last time, its more balanced now
  2. serbiansnaga


    first timers to the jb server shouldnt be on ct anyway...
  3. serbiansnaga


    wait, u didnt teach anyone in the clan how to sully
  4. a hat that looks exactly like every other players head models
  5. ya jay breezy, u dont commit enough to clan, take ur mac (lol at mac) and bring it to work with u so u can chat with us, quit ur job if u have to, lol
  6. my comp crashed and i had to keep it off for like an hour or so, i turn it on, go back on steam and get msgs saying that two ppl are being racist and disrespectful, i go on and i see hyphy and deported acting like complete retards, i muted both of them, then hyphy rejoined and dropped the n-word, so i banned him for a week citing racism, deported left after the "let me explain" msg, and didnt come back, so ya these two should def be permbanned from the servers +1 and +1
  7. if insomniac is a chick, than +1 cause we need more women in xg, helps to alleviate the sausage fest ratios down to more acceptable levels, if not, then poo
  8. ya but its silence, whenever hes on, u can expect the laws of physics to cease existing in the xg server that hes in lol
  9. serbiansnaga


    for me, eddison and horrible were the bestershest admins in the wizzorld, lol jk
  10. im more used to mumble, teamspeak has been kinda boring, there havent been any rooms where everyones in, its usually 1 or 2 ppl to a room and even when its like 4 ppl in a room, no one rly says anything. mumble for me
  11. due to the recent departure of soullacoste, known as aram or black guy to ppl on teamspeak, we have no one to fill in for juice box boy, this is very serious indeed as us clan members need our daily supply of juice boxes in order to remain optimal and pawn n00bs in the various servers. apply for juice box boy here, u must be a relatively new member in xg in order to apply, u should have been accepted into the clan around 2-3 weeks ago
  12. ^this dislike ponies to some extent
  13. ive started watchin gundam 00, simply because im a big gundam fan with all them big shiny robits shootin each other, hehe. ive watched gundam seed and destiny, destiny wasnt as good as seed, but it was still nice to watch
  14. get this newfie back the **** on xg so i can rape him in rpg surf, lol +10
  15. ur not even old enough to be gambling, reported to the police cops, lol, hope ur trip stays fun, but watch out for manbearpig
  16. it was funny to listen to u getting mod, cause of a game though, its been fun having u in xg aram
  17. serbiansnaga


    easy solution to double posting have 1 person post than another then that same person post rinse and repeat ????? Profit!
  18. just saying that silence and duckii are putting the ip and stuff for mumble. we use ts3 now, so just saying that it should be updated so new members dont get confused when they try to get on mumble only to find it doesnt exist
  19. sweet, ima use it to increase my dexterity points so ill have enough to wear the shadow armor of the coloSSUS AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!!!
  20. he could be saying it as "DjChosen won" as in he won whatever it was he was playing, ur argument is invalid cause of ponies lol
  21. serbiansnaga

    Ryan Dunn

    this made me sad, guy was fkin mad funny, he will def be missed from jack ***, rest in peace ryan
  22. ya, map is old as fuuuu and theres like nothing to do on it, remove map
  23. not bad, but the sound quality wasnt so good, so i couldnt exactly hear the guitar as it was supposed to be heard, idk much about electric guitars, but perhaps u could get one of those things that records the notes directly, thus bypassing the need for a camera to record, idk if what im saying exists, im just saying
  24. lights bassnectar remix and mt eden silence are two good ones that i listen to