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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ur legs must be tired because uve been running through my mind all day
  2. +1 cause he knows how to play, knows his ****, etc and only if he stops raging about getting slayed or freekilled and admins not doing anything about it, do know that we try our hardest, and we usually have like 40 other ppl who are saying the same things over and over also cause his CAT KEEPS LICKING MY SCREEN, ARGH ITS TOO CUTE!!!!DABSKJASJDNADNS
  3. LEAVE ALREADY! im kidding, have fun on ur trip, dont forget to pack extra undies and dont forget ur sun screen lotion lol
  4. whos lenin? jkz, thx for update
  5. [/color] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZpP5ub8xfY
  6. ikr, what IS the deal with airplane food *chuckle*, like totally, move to random?
  7. good guy, but should be on t more so he can learn to be a ct better, +1
  8. Text:serbian_bela_snaga Colors: red, blue, white. in that order from top to bottom, colors can overlap onto each other, sort of like spray paint or something Images (if any): picture(s) of a wolf or wolves, u choose Signature, if thats the thing at the bottom of post [ATTACH]164.vB[/ATTACH] heres an example of what i mean by overlapping colors, notice how the red and blue colors sort of just meld into each other, its not explicitly divided,
  9. +1 knows his stuff, havent seen him be a **** so thats a plus
  10. serbiansnaga


    party at sullys house, 5:00 am sunday to 5:00 pm saturday, lets destroy all his **** lol
  11. seems like a cool guy, played with him before, knows the rules and everything +1
  12. massive **** to me, +1, lol shikaku jkz
  13. lol at nulls link, exactly my reaction to pony thread
  14. this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMTE8qnJ7h8
  15. serbiansnaga


    didnt he make like 20 accounts already?
  16. played with him yesterday, seems like a cool guy, knows his stuff +1
  17. this pony promotion makes me rage with such white hot intensity, im calling in a Base-Delta-Zero, just to make sure this doesnt spread, case u dont know what a BDZ is: Base Delta Zero gg 360 noscope headshot backwards with a knife from across the map taking down an ac 130 along the way
  18. serbiansnaga


    sakurai, just cause u dont need to be 100% mature in css doesnt mean u have to get angry about some person calling u names on css, its faster and easier to report to admin or mod that (x) is disrespecting u and that u would like him to stop, any mod or admin would do that for u cause our jobs are to keep the server a fun place to play, and i like it when i tell someone whos disrespecting to stop and they do, it makes me feel that they feel defeated but at the same time relieved cause they dont have to waste time arguing over a game. just take it easy and act a bit like u do in real life, u dont have to be british-people polite, u can have some fun, just make sure it doesnt insult or anger others btw, what quarantine said, ur avatar is DISTRACTING lol, i keep looking over expecting it to do something else only to realize that its doing the same thing over and over again, on top of that i also keep wanting to scrub away the line that the cats tongue makes, but it disappears before i can raise my hand to wipe it off lol
  19. ^huge problem with that statement, if everyones the same level and u can only lvl up by killing ppl that are higher lvl than u, then its impossible to level up, unless ur referring to points rank not rpgrank, cause if so, im pretty much f-ed in the a as i am second highest, first guy being afk from the servers, make it so that u have to kill same level AND higher, in order to lvl up
  20. ima go ahead and be impartial about this issue and just say: "EVERYONE NEEDS TO CHILL OUT, get off the comp for a day or two, relax, drink some coke or beer or whatever, sleep a bit, and come back the next day, fresh as a daisy"
  21. they shouldnt have brought back fire pistols and bouncy bullets from what im hearing as i havent been able to play rpg surf since it changed. btw does it have the bhop script thing from the 190 hp version or did they remove that?
  22. @mad, apparently xenogamers has become infected with that which is referred to as "ponies". started in 4chan, yadda yadda, it spread, divided 4chan into pony lovers and haters, eventually mods of 4chan decided to side with the haters, and have deleted pony threads, then later on or whatever, they stopped and just let them be as long as the infection was contained and under control. its from a show called my little pony: something, and thats the gist of how it started
  23. go on 4chan, then go on /r and post the pic, ur question will quickly be answered by anon