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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. the downs is strong in this one, but its expected from newmarket, also coleaders and up can abuse on anyone who says "no balls" or pesters a co leader to slay/kick/ban etc them, so gg

  2. there were 2 other ppl with the same name as u, so i had to ban all 3 in order to get rid of them, i unbanned u as soon as i found out who the real one was


    sorry for the inconvenience


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  3. i know how u feel, but u should've known better than to go to another clan's teamspeak server and troll them, not only that, ive been having to deal with the xg-dev situation, and have been trying to patch things up between us, and to see xg members go and fuck up all that ive worked for with all the effort ive put in rly pisses me off.


    sorry, but ull have to wait out ur week ban to give the message to other xg members that trolling other clans is a serious offense and can get u banned and/or kicked out of xg


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. buy a prepaid credit card, its basically a credit card that has money onto it when u buy it, that way u can buy stuff that requires a credit card without having to get an actual credit card, go to a money mart and ask, look up the vanilla mastercard or something like that

  5. switch over to pepsi for a couple of weeks then, pepsi tastes so much better if u only had coke for a long time, when u get tired of pepsi, go back to coke

  6. it all depends on the ppl involved, if ur gonna go anal, make sure whoevers ass ur gonna fuck isnt full of shit or that they take a huge shit before u fuck it, also make sure its cleaned out and that the person hasnt eaten for at least 24 hours, so that u dont take ur dick out and find it covered in shit, also increased chance of getting diseases and infections and stuff. anal is basically high risk, high rewards.


    id go for vaginal though imo, easier to please the woman and urself as well

  7. mfw i realize that a higher than expected number of ppl in this clan take shit too seriously and dont know how the fuck to relax and take it easy


    the good old days when ppl would talk shit to each other and everyone would laugh it off and no one would be offended are long behind us, all we have now are immature butthurts who cant admin for shit, its a harsh post but its true


  8. closed on OP's request until higher ups can deal with the situation, also to prevent a shitstorm


    fucking bosnians, lol jkz


    -sealed away in the last great time war