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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. u drink 3-5 cans a day? jesus, i literally only drink 1 a day, sometimes like 1 every 2 days, my job involves me running around a lot and pushing go karts and shit, so it keeps me in shape and active every day, but my knees and ankles are taking a pounding and now i need to rest for at least 2 days so they can fully heal

  2. my decision still stands, also add onto it the fact that u only apologized to duckiijr because of the fact taht u were gonna get demoted/were demoted, u never wouldve done it if his thread didnt go through, so what aegean said basically, u only do something if it benefits u, and not for the sake of the clan


    also, too lazy to screenie


    7 Hours Ago #4538


    Celestia you don't even know many of these people. A little intrusive wouldn't you think?

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. hey guys, ur all fucking retarded losers who should kill themselves IRL because ur all just a waste of space on this planet, ur parents secretly see u as an accident and wish u were never born.


    but because i said im joking, its completely alright to say that to other ppl regardless of what they think, cause its what i think and if i think im joking and not being serious, then the other person thinks that as well, their opinion is invalid.


    im exaggerating a bit on my example but the point of what i said still stands

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  6. does anyone have any proof to support charrax? cause from what im seeing, all we have is duckiijrs and brians proof going against charrax, so unless u guys can get proof soon, i might have to demote charrax

  7. -1, pretty much what brian said, uve been given plenty of chances and were let off on a LOT of things, ur a funny guy and all, but at the times that u arent, u are pretty disrespectful, no hard feelings, im just giving my professional opinion and not my personal one

  8. /facepalm, why would u hack in the first place? its minecraft, its not like ur losing IRL money by not getting diamonds or anything, and how do we know that u removed ur hacked client, all we have is ur word and its not something that we can trust