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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. just so theres no confusion or questions about this, stickz applied to be a nuclear dawn mod, which we need more of, so starbuck was able to approve it on his own in order to get more members from nuclear dawn into the clan

  2. Declined cause you've been causing shit with Deviant and you had a passive-aggressive attitude when you were talking with the people from Deviant about why you left, also you were saying how you never technically left xG even though you had the Dev tag on and said you were in Dev, you were also in T3k as well.


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  3. plz dont gravedig old threads, if its more than 2-3 weeks old and isnt a sticky, then dont post on it cause its gravedigging which is frowned upon


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. logo.png




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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. srry but u have to apply to leave xg pyro, u cant just leave without doing so, lol jkz, it does suck that ur leaving xg though, it rly does, hopefully ull be able to come back to xg when u have enough time

  6. this is some bullshit maddy, i thought i said that u have to apply to leave xg if ur a valued member, congrats ur still in xg, but it does suck that ur leaving though, hopefully u come back in the future, as long as ur still active on teamspeak and stuff

  7. how about instead of arguing, someone gets proof of laith actually doing something serious enough that would warrant him getting removed from the clan, hmm? cause if there isnt any proof, then ima close this thread

  8. I HAVE RISEN AGAIN, once more, my classroom is open to the world, I had to time lock it in order to protect its secrets while I fought in the Last Great Time War, so if anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a message.