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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. who cares if they think ur being unfair in choosing the winner, its ur money, not xg's or anyone else's, if they wanna complain about it, have them fork up 100 bucks and do whatever the fuck they want with it, i say continue with the contest, since some ppl are poor enough that they desperately need 100 bucks for whatever reason

  2. warden cant rly kill the t if the t was talking first, it would be stupid if warden could do that cause he'd be kill whoring, and warden should be giving the t time to stop talking, not instantly kill them right when he presses his mic button

  3. bitches dont know about my additional gravedigging, dont do it again plox or ull be forum banned


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  4. lold, gj brian, both threatened to ddos, and pz has other bans on other servers for threatening to ddos or something to do with ddos.


    not getting unbanned


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. it says right in the screenshot "dovahkiin, i have your ip" "enjoy the DDOS", regardless of what the other guy was doing, u still threatened to ddos someone on xg server, which is perm ban

  6. logo.png




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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  7. how about u tell the person why ur gonna kick them before u actually kick them, and if u want them to use sourcetv, tell them the ip for it, so that they can go there, not post an abuse thread and not waste my time having to deal with this

  8. from what i was told, ppl on the server asked u (minecrack) and phantom to tell pepper to stop, and that u didnt, in fact u said u werent gonna do anything, which brings to think whether it was a good choice to have had u promoted to mod, might have to reconsider considering ur recent attitude, dont make me have to kick u have ur high horse

  9. another co leader stepping in as well, what u have to take into consideration is the corruption of the meaning of the word "nigga", it originally meant "nigger", however its changed throughout history to mean more of a close friend to someone. "nigger" however, hasnt changed, its meaning stayed the same which is the defamation of african americans and will prob stay the same.


    thats what the racism rule refers to, ppl can say "nigga" over mic or chat because its not considered offensive cause its definition isnt offensive, "nigger" is always taken seriously and ppl are punished for saying it (depends on its context though)


    as for sexism, im not rly sure how to approach it because there hasnt been enough problems that we had that had something to do with sexism, so i cant be of much help there.


    as for "faggot", its the same thing with "nigga", its present definition on the internet has nothing to do with the LGBT community, we actually have several clan members that are gay themselves and they have no problem with others saying it, there was actually a problem months back where a non member was complaining about how ppl can say "faggot" on the server, but he cant say "nigger", i explained to him that the definitions for "faggot" changed whereas "nigger" hasnt, than he went on to say how hes offended by it cause his brother is gay, i told him to stop taking it seriously cause none of its been directed towards his brother or any gay person.


    as for the ableism, i personally think its wrong that ppl would make fun of others by calling them "autistic" or saying they have "teh downs", ill admit, ive done it myself before, but i dont feel right doing it at all, regardless of who it is, ill see about putting some kind of rule for ableism later on though


    the internet can be a great place to meet ppl and learn new things that are greatly beneficial to you and others, but like everything, theres also a downside, that being the trolls, the free use of racism and sexism etc, the gore pics, stuff that would traumatize ppl for a long time, but in the end its about balance, that being able to balance urself on the good and the bad side of things, such as getting tips for working out while at the same time learning to sniff out trolls and/or ignoring offensive comments that have little to no contribution and are only intended to flame others


    side note, i look at gore pics very infrequently, however its to desensitize myself for the future (going into criminology, prob border security), it may seem like something sick or wrong to do, but it will keep me together if i ever get into a bad situation.