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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. srry but theres not enough proof to ban him, and at the most, it would prob be a week ct ban depending on how many rules he broke


    if u do have enough proof though, pm me on forums and ill reopen the thread and let you post more proof


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  2. +1 to this, ero was a hardass when he was admin, he had ppl bitching at him and complaining, but in the end, he was able to have successful days as warden and essentially kept order and control in an otherwise almost impossible situation. he does need to read up on the motd and see whats been changed, he doesnt pick favourites and isnt afraid to lay down the law when it needs to be. he was also a former co leader, also there was this one time on jb where he called warden over a bunch of 12 year olds, and when he got all serious, everyone was all "oh shit serious business", fucking greatest round of jb ever lol

  3. will you at least accept this as a token of my love?




    Its blue raspberry. My favorite.




    We can make more rabid babies? fat ugly and amazing? oh wait just the first 2.


    all attempts to make more rabid babies will result in everyone/everything in the entire universe(s) coming to your house and beating the SHIT out of you

  4. oh wow, rly foxxy and slipery?....there is no reason to perm someone for spawn camping and mic spamming, also @@Foxxy, why did u perm someone for trolling/disrespect, u ban them for a week or so, only perm if they have been a problem before

  5. I was told i didnt have to as long as my reason was relevent. As long as it wasnt " cool guy" or " retard"...


    oh ya, if u arent gonna use it, then give more of an explanation for your +1 or -1, try to make it like 2-3 lines if u can

  6. lets see if i can remember my classes


    English: University Prep

    Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

    Canadian and International Law

    The Writer’s Craft

    World History: The West and the World

    Politics (i think this was my last course)


    and thats my schedule for grade 12, had a spare each in both semesters and it was before lunch so i had myself a 2 hour lunch each day, mostly stayed in my politics class and played tetris on the comp (teacher let me do it), finished with an 80 average first semester, 86 average second semester, i got a 2k scholarship with those marks :D

  7. ms snackbar why not join us? the more the merrier, and snackbar, we cannot make more prodigal children, if we were to create a female one, it would find the male and they would reproduce like rabbits and bring about the end of the universe, we dont even know where the prodigal son is, last i heard he was a powerful drug lord in central america, no ones seen him recently though.