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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. Mac computers


    i found the leak sir, it seems ur using a mac for ur gaming needs


    lol, but in all seriousness, macs arent rly designed to be gaming computers, they're good for school shit im assuming but not so much for games, i prefer windows cause its more flexible and suits my needs, but its whatever ones personal preferences are, if u like macs, then u like macs, ill still like pc's though

  2. there will be no more disrespect towards other gaming communities and clans such as Hellsgamers, eGO, etc. we are not a community that makes petty fights and talks shit to other clans regardless of what they do to our clan. you guys are basing your decisions on a very small portion of these gaming communities, they each have a lot more members that are respectful and mature and i dont see anyone talking about those people, only the select few bad ones.


    its EXACTLY like judging all middle easterns because of the actions of like 20 terrorists, u cannot fairly compare 20 extremists to the hundreds of millions of moderate muslims. same goes with gaming communities, u cannot judge a clan of hundreds or thousands based on the actions of a select few trolls/baddies


    any more threads like this and u might get kicked out of xg and banned from our servers depending on the context that has been posted


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  3. Wait hasn't someone done it before where they covered their face and still got unbanned?


    i asked silence about that, he said that the face cant be covered, but keep him unbanned anyway, just for future references btw

  4. please use the vouching template in the future renekane


    Decision: +1


    Why: seems like a legit guy, knows rules, trys to enforce them


    Maturity: mature but he does need to relax about some things on jb


    Activity: mostly on jb, havent seen him elsewhere from what i remember, but hes active

  5. the good mods are the ones that have like 250+ posts on the forums BEFORE they are eligible to apply for mod, its like applying for university/college, u dont apply when u have the 75% minimum grade average, u apply when u have like an 80-85%, like duke, he got 300 posts before he could apply for mod, and since he got mod, hes been doing a good job with it; spectating in jb and slaying rule breakers, enforcing the motd and not only worrying about the cts who kill him, which is what a fair amount of the mods on jb are doing these days (only slaying bad cts when it affects them directly)

  6. the key word and what u should work on is RELAX, dont start insulting or trash talking other players cause they broke the rules, if u do something happen, inform an admin/mod on the server in a CALM, COOL, and COLLECTED matter, that way they'll more likely listen to you than if u said "blarg opened vents, slay him", go for something like "blarg opened vents, watch him next round to see if he does it again", that way ull tell the admins/mods that blarg is breaking rules, and one would go into spectate to watch blarg next round

  7. same thing happens to me, but the time frame from my dream and when it actually occurs is usually weeks or months apart, but when it does happen, i remember everything about the dream and whats gonna happen in it, but the parts are maybe 30 seconds and then everything goes fuzzy and shit

  8. from what i read, u were being racist and mullin kicked u for that, and so u tried to use that as an excuse to blame mullin, also u dont have proof to back up your side of the story


    so not abuse by mullin, and watch ur racism or ull get banned for it


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  9. i changed his 1 week ban to perm, ban reason is "trolling, disrespect, was banned 7 times before, this ban is due to a successful ban request"


    inb4 rage/admin abuse/ban protest with bs reason


    if you want to ban bear jew, get enough proof of it


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  10. srry hashtag, but u do need proof to back up ur argument, but from what i read, u did disrespect duke by saying he doesnt know rules when hes been chosen to be a mod because he knows rules, also from what i heard, u did agree to put this whole thing in the past, so ima go with those two conclusions


    any problems or things that u want to say, u can pm me over forums


    -sealed away in the last great time war