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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. the army let alone the marines is the last thing that u should be going into, ull just get fucked over in so many ways by ur country that most of the time the reason why ur in a certain place wont be justifiable, if u ask me, joining the military is something that should be comparable to being anally raped by a train and still having ur asshole as small as a penny

  2. Hey now everyone, don't be so quick to judge. What if he actually was molested? You all would feel like dicks. Been there, done that, felt terrible afterwards. As much as I disliked the way he behaved, he might not be lying.

    Just my 2 cents.


    its more of the fact that hes bringing this up now as opposed to before, so his story is kinda far fetched and considering his reputation for disrespect and racism, i wouldnt rly be surprised if he was using this as an excuse for his bs

  3. you're just mad your not getting laid hahahaha!! you smell:3


    mfw kelly thinks im mad



    Owned XD ! Serbian, do you not have a partner ? (not asking sarcastically)


    eh, its not rly a big deal to me


  4. colorful told me to close this thread cause he didnt know that u could get god on gloaming, which is what odium did on the map, so he thought he was glitching or something


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. i would go to illinois, find rabid and BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM, then the zombie apocalypse would be over, but id prob go north because viruses cant spread as much in the cold, and zombies would prob freeze during the winter, at which time, i would go around and destroy the heads of every zombie that i would come across, also its less populated meaning less people meaning less zombies.

  6. I learned to stop being a jackass and such. I kinda want to be apart of the community again, at least give me a chance like everyone else.


    start being active again on the servers, get to know the new people quarantine

  7. this is by far the dumbest unban thread i have ever had the pleasure of closing, u were banned for a day, not a week, u disrespected and kept disrespecting in the same thread, even the same post in which u posted why u should be unbanned. if the ban didnt end at 11:40, id prob push it to 2-3 days, but ill leave it as is.


    dont disrespect mods again, and also chill the hell out, its a game, not something to rage about in forums and call other ppl noobs. id rather have a member whos bad at css but a great person overall then a great player in css but a bad person overall


    tldr: not unbanning, ur lucky i didnt extend the ban, nothing to get riled up about


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  8. it would take a couple of years before a jb server/mod is out for cs:go, and what sgt blu said, more and more games are becoming less and less modifiable, which will lead to the same stuff over and over and maybe map packs. look at the total war series, RTW and M2TW were highly customizable, with almost everything modifiable except the game engine itself, and now look at empire, napoleon and shogun 2, those games are very static and fixed, very little modifiable tools out for those games, and i doubt they will release the tools for those games, cause they make DLC's