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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i once woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my brother sleepwalking, running around the house carrying a knife yelling "wheres that nazi?", i was loling so hard the day after, and there was also the time when he woke up and started yelling at a power outlet, and he seemed pretty mad when he was yelling at it

  2. 6 babies covered in AIDS sauce, bald eagle fries on the side with molten gold and diamonds to drink, after that, i burned billions of gallons of oil so i could have some marshmallows, then i went to africa, opened a box of cookies and ate them in front of everyone without offering to share them

  3. lold, only awp can 1 shot someone down from full health shoulder up, and i think its like that so that observers/players can come join as well, so that there are 4 scrim teams in total on the server, and we're talking about 1 shot body hits, not headshots


    CSS Models, weapon height and hit registration - Steam Users' Forums


    read the thread, talks about guns being able to 1 shot players before cause it would go through the arm and into the head if it was behind the arm, now the reg would stop the bullet at the place that it hits

  4. it all depends on the situation, if its like the bulk of the ts doing it, then mods will usually mute them so that warden can give orders, but if its like a t thats rebelling, its allowed, unless there were a bunch of ts rebelling, then at that point the wardens lost control and will quickly die

  5. ive been saying this ALL the time, if the server is close to full, mods HAVE to be in spectate to deal with rulebreakers, u CANT play as a t or ct if theres only a couple of other mods on, better u try in spectate and ACTIVELY search for rulebreakers than to play the server and slay the ones that u see with ur own eyes

  6. 1. 6'7, last i checked, prob 6'8 by now


    2. its rly hard for me to hold grudges against someone IRL, i unknowingly get over it like a week later


    3. favourite animals are canines in general, large cats (tigers and lions and shit), and dragons if they were real


    4. i think i may be into vore, but only a very specific kind


    5. i cant stand losing, not a sore loser but i do not like to lose

  7. he already left xg and from what i read recently in forums, he quit before i could fire him, gnome saiyan?


    meaning hes gone and out of xg (clarifying for everyone)


    -sealed away in the last great time war