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Posts posted by Never

  1. hmmm im going with magical on this one, amazing for the price. Btw, Magical, processors are so overrated for what you need to get great performance. I'm running with a dual-core 2.8 GHZ and i can play any game, INCLUDING the more recent ones (crysis 2, farcry 2, assassin's creed brotherhood etc) on full high. My graphics card is pretty shitty, too. (GTX 260m)

  2. no. That's completely unfair, it's always implied that you go into isolation and that simon thing is stupid. Honestly these are totally unfair rules that aren't implemented, i'm surprised you weren't ct banned lol.

  3. I totally get that... I was run-sniping once, and was aiming for a guy who just killed a ct. Just as I click the mouse, some nooby T walks right in front of the scope! heh let's just say !boom was used.

  4. Heh forgot about that! I only see Aegean on that's why.

    [xG:R] is by Rabid_Turtle, Never. Aegean is co-owner of the subclan.


    Anyway, Zoidberg is cool and we all make mistakes.

  5. Sounds like fun! Well, I trust ssully, he's a great admin from what I see. Zoidberg, I think that you can get unbanned, but I recommended staying clear from CT even if you are unbanned. Take a break from CT for a while and enjoy the rebelling. Check out xG: R by Aegean!

  6. First of all, chillax. Second of all, I think you're on the right track. I was thinking of a logo with bullet holes in it, and there were shadow effects coming through the holes and blood effects etc. Sadly, this probably won't happen, but yeah. Yours was a good idea, but you didn't have the correct resources.

  7. What's my favorite game type? Zombie Escape! I never knew you guys had a ZE server, but when I saw it I noticed that almost no one uses it. It would be awesome if somehow we could start getting people on there, I'd love to play on that server once I get my ban problem solved. Thanks!