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Posts posted by Never

  1. ROFL. Also, snoopy, did you have fun in surf? I heard there was this one guy who went through the entire server with an auto shotty and was raping everyone, then when the entire server went autoshotty he still wrecked people. I heard that his end score was 217 - 89, but I'm not sure.

  2. That's not such a bad idea, I'd play a lot* on an xG cod server, but the cracked server sounds stupid.

    to silence: punkbuster bans people for using any third party application, including steam in-game community. Having a PB server wouldn't be the best thing to do but I get that an admin won't be on often enough to catch someone hacking.

  3. The wardens say that... but everyone is talking. theyll be accused of freekill etc. im mainly concerned at the amount of disregard of freekillers. Someone killed about 7 t's because 2 were trying to rebel, and no one said anything. a ct typed "!bomb" and took out 2 ts with him etc... maybe what i mean is there need to be more active admins (i understand that we pretty much do, but there needs to be some kind of adjustment)

  4. Well, i'm trying to play jailbreak atm... TRYING*. every t is talking over warden so they cant give orders and it's just CHAOTIC... If theres a way to make it so one person from each team can talk at the same time, that would be nice. I really don't enjoy bleeding ears

  5. You heard me... do it! 2 ppl on server, it's effing time to JOIN!


    EDIT: servers are being shat on right now... new update is killing them with constant restarts.


    ---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------


    so servers freeze if you try and switch teams, go !rules (or any other boom-like thing) and doing some other weird actions that might freeze it. NO idea why (well, the update) but this isn't good!

  6. Wait what the ****? I've seen this part in bans before : "my dad came over and unplugged my laptop So my laptop shut off. Then next thing I know I get on"

    I don't believe it one bit, i've seen that excuse before. I'm not saying you did it, but I don't believe this.

  7. not that much gold really... i had around 50 diamond, 3 stacks of gold, and almost 15-20 of iron... and then, i fell into lava (I recently had to move my chest so i didnt have my stuffs in it >_<. what im saying is it's not that hard to get that much if you find a dungeon or something

  8. Well, (I know I really shouldn't be talking any more) I would gladly re-apply to you guys if someone were to review the ban, I just don't want to attempt to be active when I can't ACTUALLY play with you guys.

  9. Well, I'm still perma banned and I've been here like a week, so I guess I'm leaving. Thanks for the run I guess, hope to see you on other servers maybe.

  10. I wasn't saying that processors are the almighty awesome power. I was just saying that it's better than his little 1.6 GHz dual core he picked out. I'd much rather use a **** Intel Pentium 4 3.6 GHz which I just stole from my school last week when I took my box creature home. (He hid it for me. :))




    Crysis 2 should be easier to run than Crysis. Try running Crysis, you'll get a lower FPS.


    The first Crysis was coded ****ing terribly... So quite frankly, it ran like ****.


    Crysis 2 was coded fairly. So it ran better.


    I know, the first crysis I could only run on medium/high (half and half). But my point was that you don't need that i7 processing power, so you'd be paying more for something you're NEVER* going to fully use (at least within the next like 10 years?)

  11. it's not implied that you have to go into iso ... If the warden only say walk to iso its to it not in it so this is not considered a tarp if many people are listening he said to not in, I think we will add a rule where We may Tarp on simon says but cannot play that game every 3 rounds or so than it would make it a bit fair, We still have tarp but a requirement is needed to beable to use tarp.


    Sorry if you were slayed but not everyone know when its a tarp or not,

    I recommend the people should talk about whats a tarp or not, So that there wouldn't be any confusion in the future when warden had given a order.


    Well, the problem is no one says something like "SIMON DIDN'T SAY UNFREEZE!" the person being simon almost ALWAYS* says "simon says freeze".... "simon says jump"... what i'm saying is they skip the steps Johnny is trying to cover. It would be stupid if we have johnny saying that stuff while other wardens kill for NOT doing what simon says. In other words, you would never know and would have to guess.

  12. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29380659

    Nickname: Never

    Reason for being banned: Hacking???

    Why should you be unbanned?:

    I was just playing some AWESOME jailbreak on your servers, and I was sniping. I see a terrorist peeking his face out of a door with an AWP so I shoot. I'm almost instantly perma banned for wallhacking, because they thought I was in a different room than I really was? I'm not sure what happened and I'm not sure why, but please PLEASE review this. Also, could this possibly be admin abuse? There was absolutely no evidence at the time that I hacked or something, yet I was immediately banned.


    I'm sorry for reposting! I've been an actual member of xG for 4 days, and my post hasn't been replied to yet. (I put a notice in my member submission about the problem.) Thanks for your time and consideration.


    Edit: Forgot to mention, the admin was Excision, although I don't want to make a ton of drama out of this. He might want to be given the permaban rules again or something.