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Posts posted by Never

  1. Yes... Too true... I've seen him freekill accidentally once or twice but never disrespecting or anything. Proof is the only way he will be banned.

  2. When you cut yourself, gently touch the blade to the preferred wrist. Quickly but firmly jerk the blade across the visible surface of the vein. If the blood does not start flowing immediately, take the sharp end of the blade and quickly poke shallow but large holes into the vein. Do this 5 days out of the week and in no time you'll be cutting yourself like a true pro.

  3. I've started with a friend already D:

    Neverxg is my character name, add me to friends whenever. I'll be on anywhere between 4 pm - 7 pm and 10 pm - 1 am

  4. lol rage and than make a post like this, many people have time to start this post yet don't have time to pay attention to the news or request a ban.


    I would request a ban, but not really. Took me like 2 minutes to make this post, or, I coulda just reported like 8 people in ban request for freekilling, download a video capturing program, then fill out each individual application. I'm just saying it's a wreck. Don't have to agree, don't even have to read, I'm just stating my opinion and explanation for why I won't be on JB