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Posts posted by Never

  1. Yeah, I played it for about 2 years until about 4 months back. It gets boring once you realize nothing ever, ever, EVERRRRRRRRR changes. You'll find yourself not being able to do anything because you're the top geared or whatever, so blizzard releases a new raid or something. It's never ending boredom IMO because you'll realize there is no point in any of it.

  2. Come on! Remove admin from this kid already, hasn't he caused enough trouble? If he's not active there is absolutely* no point in giving him admin. He can play just as well without it, except he doesn't get the distraction of slaying people that rightfully kill him.

  3. Get zombie up and running! It's practically the only reason I play cs:s. I'd constantly be on it if you guys got it working. Take GG out, but leave surf allll the way. surf is beast!

  4. Yeah... I disagree strongly with the "ban them instead of warning them" part, I was banned for a few weeks because a lot of admins are fking stupid and ban without real proof. <<< happened to me

    I think what would solve* the problem is removing permaban from admins or something, only using permabans on the forum requests.

  5. Well, we never formally got feedback on the idea of a CoD 4 server (which I pretty much stopped playing CS:S for) and I was wondering what the actual take on it was? There is no need to rush a decision, so take your time admins!

  6. Would YOU want this kid in your clan? He forgot to leave out a few "little" details that are the only reason he was banned. I say let a few back but don't be lenient on people like this.

  7. Basically what he's saying is:





    Yeah... btw if anyone wants to friend me go ahead... I have no interweb friends either

  8. Not to be mean or anything like that (I know we have a few kids playing) but I think this clan is wayyy to lenient about its member rules. People are too easily excepted and I think that we should enforce the rules, practically anyone can join. (Honestly, don't take offense. I'm not vouching down or up, just noting too many people join. Quality, not quantity!)

  9. I think he should keep admin. Sure, he abused it massively in ONE* situation, but he hasn't abused it before really and he admits he was completely wrong, and accepts that it was abuse. How often do we get admins agreeing that they were wrong? RARELY* so let him keep his admin!