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Posts posted by Never

  1. I thought this guy explained himself in a relatively calm manner. You just seemed to have blown up about the ordeal. If you didn't have members on here complaining about the staff then how are "mods" supposed to be kept in check? Frankly I find it very immature how you yourself just responded to this person. For you being a former Division Leader and I assume even though you are not now, that you are still a moderator. You are supposed to be the mature one and remain calm when regular members **** you off. I hate to say it, but I somewhat agree with the guy. I'm pretty much friends with most of the staff now, so when something happens they normally help me out. However during the first month I joined this server I was constantly ignored. Are free kills going to happen? Absolutely, but that is why the staff is here to try and make sure they do everything they can so the free kill number stays low. If you have 3 or more [xG] members telling you that someone is free killing on a routine basis, then I see NO reason why you should not slay that person or ct ban them.


    Just my 2 cents. Please don't blow up on me as well -_-.


    I'm pretty sure he's trolling. Pretty sure. I overreacted when I should have asked EVERY mod/admin I know. It should never have come to the forums even if it was happening, the forums never solve anything, even if it's not about banning someone or getting admins to come on server, etc. Just gotta live with it, like they said, they do the best they can I guess...

  2. Duckii, you cant go more than 90 hours without sleep. You can die from heart problems. It doesn't make you cool to stay up for "4 days" no one should try and do this. It's EXTREMELY bad for your health to do more than 36. Not only are you tired but your body and mind start acting extremely strange. Can you die from lack of sleep?

  3. Well you know what I have to say about this... suck a ****. Seriously I see these retarded posts everyday with little crybabies that don't think mods are doing the job the way some else thinks it should be done. S T F U. We will not ban slay someone because the entire server of children are yelling FREEKILL FREEKILL. It will NEVER happen. I wonder since you think admins and mods are not doing their job, why I was never messaged once about this? Stop being babies over little things. Play the game. You get freekilled? Deal with IT! It happens to everyone every day. Accident or not. We will NEVER catch all of them. So again unless you have proof and you insist on making these nerd rage inflammatory posts. You will just be forum banned. PERIOD.


    Umm what? My intentions weren't to upset anyone, (sorry duckii jr. I was being a **** then...) so why are you trying to troll me? I know these things are COMMONLY posted, and I know this will be disregarded like every other one (sorry for how that sounds). I'm not asking that has anything to DO with proof, (said this in my first post) all I want is mods to pay attention. When I asked over steam chat to billy and duckii, I gave a reason for slay, etc. You were never messaged because I was tired of using steam chat when I never got replies, so I posted how chaotic it was and is when there are no mods to moderate. They do the best they can almost always, All I'm asking for is that little sound when you get a steam message to be enabled, or actively watching the *Dead* chat. Sorry for getting all upset and stuff, I severely overacted. First game in a month or so, and I get a chaotic server with several freekillers. It's truly infuriating when after months you get your computer back and come to a game as crazy as that was.

  4. Honestly, I'm just very upset that every time I get on this seems to happen. Sure, I make a few mistakes that define a freekill from an okay kill, but all the bad stuff happens BEFORE I ask someone to come on. Once they do, my 4-in-a-row freekilled streak stops magically. It's just one of those things... But there was only one active mod on at the time (billy) who happened to be dead and I'm sure alt-tabbed. Sorry to everyone for raging.

  5. It's fine. I understand when you see mods not doing everything that you need them too, but like it's so hard when you get messaged from steam saying "come to our game, we need help" "oh hey, in surf this guy is freekilling" oh hey what's up" and then in the game you get messages like "FREEKILLER _ _ _ _ _ , SLAY HIM PLEASE " and have to respond to all as 30 people are in the game with only 2 mods. We are doing our best, and the thing you can do is either post proof of an admin literly slacking, or post the freekiller. Thank you


    Two things: 1, I get that mods can't do everything all the time. I'm asking them to actually BE AWARE. If they're in the game, they should pay attention to the ongoings (Thanks, you're one of the few admins I've actually seen do this.)

    2: You can't freekill in surf :)

  6. That applies if someone is raging and swearing a lot. This was not an issue this forum post. I swore a few times in distaste of the events at hand, not a huge deal.


    ---------- Post added at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------


    You cant expect me to be there 24/7 for u i was doing something -_- that is if your talking about me

    I noticed. A little while after I posted this, you came back. It's just extremely annoying when you see a few admins that don't do anything. Also, sorry aegean for wasting your time. I made a mistake about billy's little zombie freeday mishap. I was under the impression that you could not do anything like that because you can't do that stuff in warday, etc.

  7. How bout instead of complaining, you record ? How many people are on the server atm ? and then how many people are mods ? 2-3 mods can't watch over what i'm assuming at least 30+ people. And snoopy, start respecting your fellow mods and take their side instead of saying "These* atrocities must not occur on our servers" like seriously? You have no idea what's going on, so I thank you for going online, but stop putting down the mods as it's very hard doing duties as a mod while being fair and not doing their job based on hearsay


    When everyone on server is talking to the mod, I CAN* talk down to them. Sure, it's hard, but not when more than half the server is screaming "FIOD FREEKILLED LIKE CRAZY! SOMEONE SLAY HIM!" YEAH wouldn't you think they might respond after endless attempts to steam-chat them and have the server micspam their name to slay someone? also, you might not have noticed, I don't care WHO freekilled, I just care that mods aren't listening.

  8. So billy isn't doing ****, duckii never does anything. Sorry duckii, you're my least favorite mod because you ignore the **** out of everything. Everyone on server is telling all mods/admins to slay a few people because they CLEARLY freekilled. no one is responding.

  9. I join JB for the first time in a month or so, and guess what! First thing I notice, every mod or admin doesn't do their job. They pay no attention to anyone but themselves I swear. It took the ENTIRE* server and people steam IMing him for them to notice that this person freekilled a few people...

    Next, I spawn, knife vent, go to armory and immediately see someone and jump back down. About 20 seconds later i come up, and get instakilled from behind by Garyoak, our own clan member. If I read the motd 5 minutes ago, which I did, it says 15 seconds, and you can't stay and camp the armory if you see a T in vent. I ask the server a few times, steam a few mods, yeah they ignored all of it.

    Next, I'm typing right when ct's open cells. right after I finish, I'm not given any sort of warning or anything, i just get killed. Not even the classic AFK check, just a kill. OF COURSE I ask, no response, and that's when I come to the forums. I know you guys won't really do anything, I don't care about that. I want mods and admins to DO THEIR GOD DAMNED JOBS. Duckii even says that we SHOULD bother mods/admins about this stuff, but even if we do, whats the use? It's going to be ignored.

  10. GIF i bet he means... i would be up to it but i dont care that much so i wont. Sorry truehell, i just got my computer back so im too busy to finish it right now. I'll do it later probably.