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Posts posted by Never

  1. +3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067


    ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------


    -1000 troll
    look at your sig you scrub

  2. WE NEEEEEED TO DO THIS ONLINE... We have like 6 or 7 people now? and growing? WAY better than minecraft imo, takes a shitton more skill. I got trapped in a "dungeon" fighting a jellyfish boss like thing for about 3 hours. I accidentally crossed over into 2 different territories, skeletons and slimes, while i had to kill a jellyfish and piranha... i was completely swarmed and outnumbered, took me FOREVER but it was worth it! (by the way, i have like 3 gold now but no merchant has showed up... I put up walls, 2 light sources, table and 2 chairs, but nothing! any ideas?)

  3. :O well you didnt give me much to work with, i can take it out if you want, itll take like 3 seconds

    That would be sweet! I mean it's really well done considering you had NOTHING to work off of... I'm kind of a halo and cod fanboy myself, itll do fine (just that justin beiber totally killed my name when he sang 'never say never'... and now that's what everyone thinks when they read my name :D)

  4. He is... He acts mature enough and knows the rules, follows and enforces them even without admin pretty well.. But it's not your choice.Silence will pick the people that stood out the most when they contributed. Not much you can do but wait. (Btw posting this thread was NOT a good sign of maturity! I mean patience is a virtue if you're trying to prove yourself.)

  5. Ohhh jay, jay jay jay... I was hoping that you wouldn't put that phrase in there... oh well, still gonna use it! once i figure out how to put it in my sig...

  6. lmao... I have wayyyyy to much to learn before I can count as someone who "plays" it. Terraria is soo much more complex than minecraft... it's a lot harder and the "help" doesn't really help at all. I know the basics, but not much more than that.

  7. JUST bought it today, looked a bit like minecraft except it added a lot more that I think adds a whole new level of fun. Tips, hints, tricks, and anyone know how multiplayer really works?



  8. Yeah, if you haven't noticed I haven't been on or active for a while. My main computer died from the BSOD, so I finally got into contact with someone who can fix it. Yes, I tried wiping it, tried a bunch of other **** with new software and stuff, but nothing worked. It should be back soon and I should be rejoining you all shortly.

  9. I got the name "Never" on wow. Totally unchanged, rarest occurrence I've ever heard of. That was during naxx times (level 80 naxx). Most insane bit of luck anyone could ever get, thus making my new avatar/identity Never.