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Posts posted by Never

  1. Dell by far. I call them up more than once, an Indian man ALWAYS answers, and I can never get a word in edgewise. They give terrible advice most of the time that never works, and when you sent something in for repair they do a bad job and take several weeks.

  2. I really wish this clan had more order, but it's not looking like that's going to be easily achieved. Our clan has people hacking, disregarding rules, and causing disturbances even though they're actually IN the clan. They know what they're doing wrong but they ignore the fact that it's actually going to hurt the clan if they continue. I don't think it will simply change by making more leaders, that's just begging for more corruption in the clan.

  3. That and we still don't ACTUALLY know if he was hacking. I say give him a chance, see what happens. Notice anything strange (having a stack of gold isn't grounds for banning) than see what's up and if you really see he's hacking/modding, ban him.

  4. Aegean, I know "I don't understand the conversation" but that doesn't matter. It was a stupid and ridiculous reason to be banned. On that note, I thought you said you HAD torches in the mine, now you say it had none... HMMM...


    EDIT: Sorry, read page 2 didn't see page 3.

  5. wow this is sad... you can easily mine with or without torches, not that hard... it's not impossible to see by ANY means, also, I had about a stack and a half of diamonds on your server, it's not impossible. False accusations are false...

  6. wtf? why were you banned in the first place? By the way shikaku, stop trolling him... It's fun until someone gets banned (or they put someones number on 4chan...)

  7. +1... Looks clean to me! Sucks that duckii/silence are really too busy to check the submissions atm, so they'll probably reply in a day or so. Probably sometime tonight, usually if they're on, they're on late.

  8. Well, I thought they were choices for use to choose which one looks cooler. But I mean a huge scar right near her eye would just make it awesome... If she's BA with a gun like that imagine a scar!


    ---------- Post added at 01:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------


    Oh just noticed, it says "original"... Woops! But yeah, looks almost done.

  9. lmao its easy... took me like 10 minutes to actually fully learn photoshop. just gotta play around with it until you get the right image of what you want, then you should be set from there

  10. yeah, not really. For me its just finding a cluster**** of guys in one cave and they follow me and rape me, then guard my body so i cant get my money back.

  11. Thanks jay! I've decided to tweak the photo you made a little bit, but not too much. you did a fantastic job considering I told you nothing about what I wanted.

  12. How do they work.


    ---------- Post added at 02:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 AM ----------


    let me see if this works...

  13. ...did you honestly just challenge me to a math war...?


    ---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------


    Math -Challenge..


    CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. (I would insert the meme here, but... the website sucks with images)