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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. If serbian is considered an old fag (I wouldn't say he would be in top 10) then Billy would be there also' date=' if we are strictly talking about people who have been in the clan a long time ago and still active now, i'd say ducki jr, me, rabid, ero-sennin, and then probably poncher and them too since sad, stories, cocky and all the people back in the day are basically gone including Ducki[/quote']


    I beat out that billy tool as well ;P

  2. dude this is the internet. would you really care about grammar, really man just really with all of those short form words like l8er or other stupid stuff grammar is the last thing you should be worried about.

    and if this is going to be an ongoing thing of just criticizing me ill just leave and you will lose someone for a stupid reason.

    if now one cares i just leave. And to think, i thought this was a great group, how mistaken i was


    I really do care about grammar. It isnt too hard to make your sentences understandable. Try it sometime, maybe people will take you more seriously. Either way, shadow please reply.

  3. show me this video if you dont show me it you dont have any real proof that i hacked

    i tryed to be nice if being hostile is the only way then fine ill be hostile ( not a threat )

    oh and one thing before i leave this group and tell other people that some admins are corrupt i never new i had an auto aim bot this confuses me because i hate hackers they piss me off more then corupt police/ admins


    Lol you can only tell other people if they can understand your grammar kid...