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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. Penugar i never said i never trolled or disrespect so shut up please and yea i know ive been an admin i know its hard just sometimes people still break the rules and the server is half full of mods


    Peppermint, you always troll and disrespect, so please sit down and shut up.



  2. Hi bryce. You must be new. My name is Poncher, and im an Admin for our Counter Strike: Source division. There used to be this asshole that was a division leader named herpes. Who names themselves after an std? But i digress, hes a douchebag with no life, so who cares? Anyways, welcome to xG :D

  3. I hate this guy. Hes the biggest douche ever. Who names themselves after an std? And its not even a cool std either. Herpes? Really? Why not crabs? Those are way cooler...tool. +1

  4. Lol aeg. Even though we didnt agree on much in the past, we've been on the ball lately. I couldnt agree more with anything you just said. Thanks for actually getting it out in the open. Now if only we could do something about you coming out of the closet...

  5. How drunk are you? Jeez.


    we're you drunk when you made this


    Time to stop guys, its not funny anymore...it stopped being funny when someone actually took offense to it. Its done now...

  6. Any mod/admin who uses "Disrespect" as an excuse to ban someone for no reason will be put on probation. The rule we have now is great. We just have fucking idiots enforcing it.


    This is your only warning for you mods/admins.


    If you fuck up with the disrespect rule you will lose your powers for a period of time. If you're just completely retarded with it you'll lose your powers indefinitely. Not that hard. Disrespect is disrespect.


    YOU CALLED ME A RETARD! *bans* i feel better now. The rule didnt change. The punishment did...now stop being butthurt pricks and stop using disrespect as a scapegoat to ban someone. Honestly? Why do our 16 (maybe) and up mods act like theyre prepubescent assholes? Its the internet. You should still be gagging/kicking first. No one could have hurt you THAT bad by calling you a faggot...