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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. i am going to -1 this thread simply because i feel the evidence on duckii's side is very biased and is skewing people to agree with him, but this of course is just an opinion and doesn't require any further discussion. on my post that is.


    The only reason its biased, is because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SAY OTHERWISE. Of course the evidence is going to be biased. All of it is one way or another. My point being that unless someone can post evidence from charrax's side, all we have to go on is what we were given.

  2. -1: Charrax has been very helpful to me throughout my times in xG. I dont see why you would make such a huge deal about all this, its just the internet i mean come on? Dont cry about how he is being rude, if it bothers you so much ignore him..if you cant handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.


    Thats not the point at all. A division leader should not act as he did. Charrax was the one basically telling duckiijr to fuck off. So what you just said applies to charrax more than duckiijr.

  3. -1 Jack, let me put this plain and simply, you're an idiot. I got killed in spawn by a potion, and noone gave a fuck. There is no rule against it unfortunately, so, unless a rule is put it against it, im gonna start camping spawn with potions. You have no right to be telling poeple the rules, you obvi hack, so don't really know why you would try to tell someone what is right/wrong.


    So please, hacker, shut the fuck up, and take a seat.


















  4. I would love to rape you all in a photoshop/illustrator contest, but i have to do about 4 design jobs for my company. If i get time to do it, i might do it. If i decide to stop touching myself for an extended amount of time...what?

  5. You derp.


    It was number wall game. They were all on the same number, the number that was chosen to die. So they all die. If they let one live it would have been favoritism.


    Nothing to see here, move along.


    I agree with this. Regardless of how many there are, if they were chosen to die, they die. Thats like playing couch game on canyondam. If all the ts go on one couch, there would be no lr. Why should it be different off of a map game?

  6. Ive had 'clinical depression' for almost 3 or 4 years now...ive been on anti-depressants for quite awhile now, and they do actually work (raises your seratonin levels and whatnot). Its helped calm me down and chill me out a lot. You just have to focus on the things that actually matter to you. For me, its my friends, skating, and just being around people who care.