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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. I wonder if people would stop playing CS:S and move onto CS:GO so we would have to play JB on there. I hope it doesnt happen though.


    We'll have to wait a year or 2 till they release the code, so modded servers can come out. Dont count on it any time soon...

  2. I'm a Photoshop champ, and learning Sony Vegas Pro, so I will edit the clips!




    Yeah, you and everyone else on these forums LOL

  3. Really Minecrack? You need to read the motd. I have freeslayed once in the time I have been PA and I talked to Starbuck because I thought the person needed to be slayed. So in the end I was slayed. And as far as the freekilling goes, that is completely not true. I have killed you on multiple occasions for cell hoping and leaveing your cell and running back in before the orders. This goes for other people as well. Just because you jump out and back inside your cell doesnt mean you are not a rebel. Also on a afk freeze that means YOU CANT KNIFE, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE, JUMP, OR CROUCH. And as far as not slaying myself when i freekill, I always do it. Killing you for all the reasons above is not considered freekilling and doesnt need a slay. And for the 1 gag I did on you, it was because you spammed altleast 8 lines of numbers for a trivia game that was already over.


    And cookie, I mssged you once in steam chat telling you that I got PA with a :D. Thats not bragging, thats just being excited I got PA and I wanted to tell my friends that I had got it. I dont see how one message is "rubbing it in your face"


    Why would I abuse admin after a few days after paying $50 it.


    /requestclose until minecrack calms down.


    Lol you cant request close on your own abuse thread -_-


    That's basically like saying, oh, let's just let them rob the bank if they really feel like it, we will just put them in jail afterwards.


    Tbh, our job is to stop it before it happens and if it happens anyways enforce the law. :p



  5. just gunna assume this is aiming towards me, no i dont wear tags, yes theres other mods/admins on at times but when ur all gone its just me on the server with a good 15 - 25people so if people didnt see any mod/admin tags on then there mostly gunna break rules. and just cuz i dont wear xG tag dont mean "we/i arnt proud"..


    No, its not aimed towards you. Its aimed at a LOT of mods. I see WAY too many mods not wearing even an xG tag. You dont want people to break rules. You want to stop them from breaking rules BEFORE they do it. Your logic is assssss backwards. Start wearing your tags.....

  6. Can we make it a requirement that if you're a Mod/Admin, you MUST wear your tag at ALL times, unless undercover? Too often I see Mods not wearing their tags, and it makes me feel like they aren't proud to wear their tags. This should go double for PMs and PAs...