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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. i think that duckiijr should have his own separate forum section where he can post all these threads with titles that have nothing to do the actual content in the thread itself, that or merge all of his threads and also redirect all his threads into one giant duckiijr random stuff thread


    +1 for duckii jr random video thread :)

  2. Your SteamID: idk...im on my phone, you have it somewhere


    Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Poncher


    Reason why you don't want this member in our community? Keeps gravedigging/spamming forums for 100 posts for mod...


    His/her SteamID: idk, im on my phone


    His/her In-game/forum name? Mortuus


    Anything else we should know? I dont want him kicked out, but he should be on probation/forum banned for a bit...to let him chill the ♥♥♥♥ out.....me and pyro keep warning him, but he wont listen. I propose a one week forum ban....

  3. Apparently you haven't heard of constructive criticism, I was simply saying how the mods could improve and pay more attention to detail. FYI this is my first post giving criticism and I don't think you're at a position to be speaking on behalf of ALL of the mods because not ALL of them are like YOU.


    Btw, people like me are the ones who find out the problems and help make xG better. If this isn't allowed then I'd like to see a rule where mods can't receive criticism .


    Apparently u don't understand what were saying...u can criticize mods if u want, thats not what im arguing. We do the best we can to catch rule breakers. Were watching for everything, not just cellspam. U cant see it in console, but it doesnt just say "button spam-EZkill", it has like 7 of those, each with different names, so most of the time...unless a ct sees it, we cant do anything. We wont do anything unless we believe that person is guilty. I dont believe 7 people are guilty of cellspamming. If i suspect someone of cellspamming, i warn them through PRIVATE chat, and tell one of the other cts to keep an eye on him, using PRIVATE chat. And if the ct sees a cellspam, they tell us using ADMIN chat. My point is, that even if u dont see any admins doing something, we are...almost all the time, cellspammers are randoms who dont know xG's rules. So after i warn them using PRIVATE chat, they usually stop. We pay as much attention to detail as we can. Dont be so quick to jump to conclusions...

  4. No, if a moderater/admin is on, the ct will be muted. Just remember, that talking over warden isnt necessarily against the rules. If they SPAM, its against motd rules, and appropriate action will be taken. If the warden says "talk over warden, you will be killed/slain" then an admin will slay, if there is one on.

  5. Thank you for all of your responses,


    Like you all said if someone does it intentionaly, they should be slain/team banned.


    If you all believe this, i'd like to see this being ENFORCED because I am getting sick of the CTs who do this getting away.. I know this is kind of small but Isn't that the whole point of have MODS on duty?


    We can't always catch them...the button spam shows all other buttons, so its not always a reliable source, as on most maps, there are many other buttons players use at the beginning of the rounds (doors, disco, some vents, map games, stuff like that) so it is a hard rule to enforce. Theres nothing you can do, but deal with it, AND STAY AWAY FROM THE DOORS...there, problem solved...We do whatever we can, when we can. Expecting anything else is just straight up ignorant...

  6. +1 he said it had been 2 weeks' date=' and hes a really cool guy to hang out with in surf, knows the rules and informs admins when they are on about it.[/quote']


    It hasnt been 2 weeks, hes got ANOTHER submission open as well...dude, chill the ♥♥♥♥ out. Wait a few weeks. -1 obviously. I still constantly see him trolling and breaking rules. I constantly have to slay him...



    mikees608 here it is...he's a complete ♥♥♥♥ing derp...

  7. He makes a huuuge deal out of every little thing that happens, and spams constantly. I +1 a week-long forum ban for him to chill the ♥♥♥♥ out -.-. And im doing this because hes making stupid, pointless threads about others. So im making one for him :)