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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. Well, now we have to kick the ♥♥♥♥ out of this kid for being an attention whore, and pretty much sticking his middle finger up to anyone whos been bullied. What a ♥♥♥♥ing lifeless peice of ♥♥♥♥....

  2. also, if you haven't realized this - its three months old and this kid

    is just seeking attention. He couldn't be any happier at the moment.


    check his twitter if you don't believe me.


    Seriously. I felt bad for the kid...3 months ago. Hes fine now. I actually had a conversation with him a couple weeks ago. Hes one of my friends friends...idk how they know eachother lul. And dont call me an insensitive troll, cuz ive gone through the same ♥♥♥♥. I used to be suicidal. I still get picked on/kicked the crap out of daily. Hes got more close friends than he can count now, as do i. All this recent internet fame is just a massive form of gravedigging. Literally. Its over and done with, just let it be, let it be, let it be...

  3. GOD ♥♥♥♥♥♥ HERPES...STOP ABUSING. I mean really. Ur such a new admin and ur already abusing. Stop slaying people for breaking the rules...its UNWARRENTED lullllllllllllllll

  4. Ahahahahahaha ohhhh the memories, I went through a little scene phase when I dated this scene chick, and she listened to BOTDF. I just listened to candyland for the first time in a few years...and i cant make my ears stop bleeding :(

  5. I am not going to vouch up or down. I am only going to say a few things. Aaron is a good player. He is more intelligent than most people, and he has been a good friend to me since I started playing on xG servers. He knows the rules up and down, and alerts me to rulebreakers all the time. He trolls people, true, but it is in good fun and never anything suicide worthy. At most he makes everyone laugh a little. Now, I certainly do not approve of what he did, but I've just been thinking. Is it right to keep him, a nice, likable guy who I dare say is an asset to the community, CT banned when we unbanned netex, a constant troll, rulebreaker, and all around d-bag, for the same thing like 7 times? Is the horrible, intense damage that Aaron crippled the server with really compensated with a CT ban?


    Intelligence has nothing to do with character. U could be the smartest SOB ever, and be a complete ♥♥♥♥. But i do agree that he knows the rules, theres no doubt about that...he just chooses not to follow them. Btw, if you post a pic of urself with a sign that says "i love silence", its an auto-unban. Im sure it applies to ct bans as well.


    ---------- Post added at 02:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------


    I honestly don't understand your logic. Half the people on this forum say i will mass freekill again. Do you people not understand I LIKE PLAYING on your servers? Why would i trade a ct ban for a permanent ban. You guys call me a troll and you want me out. If you think im going to mass freekill again i would get permanently banned? Isn't that what you want? So this is obviously a matter of trust. You guys don't trust me and you guys think i will mass freekill again. Is there anything i can do to regain ur trust? You guys can forgive Glen Beck. You guys can forgive netex. But you can't forgive me?


    And btw, no one forgave neteX, or glenn for that matter. I still dislike both of them. We decided (for some ♥♥♥♥ing reason) to give them another chance...or in neteX's case, 10...so i guess u deserve another. Ill +1 the unban. We will be watching you though of course

  6. See, Poncher, that's why you shouldn't do drugs. Not only are they bad, they get you in trouble. Mind you, I have a stash of cats under a loose floor board in my room.


    Ahaha have u been cheeseing? Cutting the cheese? The cheese game?


    Who cares? I care, because i know i won't mass freekill again. I know if i do it again i will be PERM server banned with no warning what so ever. You can call me a troll and you can say i start flame war, but you know i know the rules. You know i've been playing here for a while. This thread in no way is any form of trolling. In my opinion i've been ct banned for nearly 2 months. I HOPE that i can be forgiven. If not, i'll wait a few more months. I just believe it's been a fair amount of time for my ct ban.


    I know that if u don't mass right away, u will eventually. Uve been a troll since day 1, and every day since. Either way...its an obvious -1 from me...

  8. i hope you realize im not some retard who played this server 2 times and wants to be un ct banned. I've played here for 6 months or something and i know if i mass again i'll be perm banned from server. Please open ur eyes before assuming things.


    Lol who cares? U knew that the first time u did it. Obvious troll is obvious. Gtfo aaron. U do nothing but flame and troll. I have no nicer way to say this sooooo...♥♥♥♥ off

  9. -1 I don't think you've been with the clan long enough and you applied RIGHT when you got 100 posts, no offense. If you reapply in a few weeks I'll totally +1 you. It's just that moderator is an earned responsibility and I don't feel like you've earned enough reputation with us to earn the right to !admin privlages.


    Yeah this. Reapply when u have like 130ish posts, and ill vouch for u. Idk, I just don't like it when people apply right after they get 100 posts. Makes me feel like all they care about is mod.

  10. Maasie and how does this help to insure xG knows the motd? How is this helping to improve the clan your in?


    Also Maasie you dont even know the motd as you pointed out in my other post:


    ====Quote from maasie: "Ah, you came to your promise. So what about the part you left out, "I don't need to know the MOTD to get in xG, I'll just cakewalk in". In case you do not realize you had called warden 5 seconds after he died, I moved in the 5 seconds, you should have told me to freeze earlier. You, sir seem mad."


    I killed you first for rebeling, then took over warden. Old wardens rules still in effect for 15sec. Its amazing the mods havent done something about your ignorance.


    Keep on being a useless tard maasie. "so dum so dum"


    Is that the only argument u have against him? O.o it seems that u bring it up every time you 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ at eachother

  11. Hey guys. I just wanted to let u guys know that i may not be on CSS for a little while. My dad decided he would start PMSing, so i dont currently have a computer. I may be back in a few days, or i may be back in a few weeks...idk yet. Ill still be active on the forums, as i still have my phone. I cant wait to get back on CSS and play with you guys again. Thanks for understanding. Peace ladies.