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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I hope all goes well, me and diabeetus being the ones who talked to you. For xG members, hes starting fresh, if you disrespect him, its looked at as you disrespecting him(unless i see otherwise,and provoking him to do so is your fault), and actions will be taken against you if i see it happen.

  2. -1, First off the last time you I saw you on the server you were Trolling, being annoying by spamming adminchat and spamming Duckii, If you can't control yourself, even just on the servers, then what makes us thing you would do better as A CT?

    And yes, we look at your past because for example, when NeteX was unbanned, we all stayed focused on him, to see if he did anything, then what happens? Hes banned again.

    Another Example, If someone who hacked was let back on our servers, we would watch them, to see if they still hack etc.

    We have the right to look at the past for what you have done, TBH you ARE the NeteX of newer xG, well either you or Towelie.

  3. I've been in xG approx two years now, let start with the past.

    PAST: When i first started playing xG, being in xG was special,a privledge, you were kind of basically looked up to, not much, but still a bit. Getting mod/admin etc. was also more important.

    OneYearAgo: Ok, still not very open to getting in very easily, but its on its way to getting easier, also people begin to "+1 cuz ur c00l", not much else.

    NOW: Anyone makes a member post and gets in unless they are HORRIBLE and EXTREMELY hated/banned alot/really new and unkown. Also i've seen posts where those "+1s cuz ur c00l and I LiKe U lOlOl" are ACTUALLY counted as +1s.Also i've seen people who havent played on our servers for more than 1 month get in, and thats sad, good player or not.


    Solution?: Im sure there have been posts about this before, and i know there has, but the amount of votes for getting in needs to be heightened(atleast 12 to 15 +1s, or maybe 10 -1s is denied afterwards),and should threaten a forum ban if they make pointless posts.


    I honestly don't expect anything to happen with this, but people should be aware that its way too easy to get in, and needs to be more reserved and an actual honor to be in.

  4. Eh, should have ben more convienent for east coast, like 8/9pm just for the minigames part, as long as it on a weekend, it should be at around 3 or 4 pm pacific, so it'll be like 7 eastern, so i prob wont be on for JB part or Awp/Scout.

  5. -1 10 shots and each shot you reload the same amount of time that your enemy gets tazed so don't nerf.
    And its not, i've seen people taze more than once in a row without the person being unfrozen before the next.

  6. Er, idc what other people are saying, but tazering should be meant for them having guns anyway, they are a bit overpowered if they freeze you AND make you drop guns at the same time for if you even do get unfrozen, besides all CTs will do is Tazer whore and just shoot ppl the instant they move, disabling the chance of rebelling, it should be either freeze them, or drop gun and less freeze time. +1 sorta

  7. Don't forget either, there are also Paid Mods, who may get promoted to Mod, but i see what you mean, some newer people do seem to get mod etc. but it depends on how they are, not how long they've been playing in xG.

  8. XG server is my favorite because its more stable

    Stable, hue hue hue hue hue.

    But seriously, people doing stuff worse than him have been unbanned multiple times(cough netex cough), its been awhile anyway,big deal if he mass freekilled he can be CT banned still, in the post he's only asking for server unban.

  9. Meh, i don't like it, im not used to it,after using the other onfe for like 2 years, and theres no "New Posts" (atleast not that i see)