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Posts posted by Brian

  1. +1


    His attitude is terrible. All he does is parade about the servers, acting like he owns it. He threatens members n his own accord, whether they're deserving or not. Plus, he always cheers volleyball are dubstep are the best things in life, and if you disagree, you'll get banned.


    That, and he thinks Canada is a real country.

  2. logo.png




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  3. So far, we have this.














    King of the Hill






    Versus Saxton Hale


    West [Fix]

    Mann Co.


    Suggestions are need. Follow the format.


    Map Name :

    Link :

    Why this map is needed/wanted :

  4. Going offline for a week. Tired of a certain person's garbage. I'll be back in a week. Just need some time to relax. Maybe in that time he will mature and not be a child when somebody challenges him.


    If the TF2 guys need me, I'll be there, it's just I can't always make it.

  5. hey guys, ur all fucking retarded losers who should kill themselves IRL because ur all just a waste of space on this planet, ur parents secretly see u as an accident and wish u were never born.


    but because i said im joking, its completely alright to say that to other ppl regardless of what they think, cause its what i think and if i think im joking and not being serious, then the other person thinks that as well, their opinion is invalid.


    im exaggerating a bit on my example but the point of what i said still stands


    You are a little bitch. You are not funny. Go back to dreaming about having sex with Dr.Who while I bang your mom with my sonic screwdriver.


    I'm just kidding.

  6. Sigh.....Guess I'll be the first.










    You manipulate people, you hold overbearing grudges, you act all high and mighty, and worst of all, you're blind to it. For example, you tell me I don't know anything, and I can't give my opinions, which is stupid and overall childish.


    As a Div. Leader, you don't really care too much about the GMOD servers. Everytime I gave you a suggestion, you blew me off, and told me "I've already seen this a thousand times, so quit asking. I'm tired of you asking the same questions. You're really irratiting me." to "Are you stupid? I've seen this a thousand times." A simple "No, I'd rather not use it." would suffice. That, and every time the DarkRP started getting populated, you changed it to a different game mode, say stuff like "It's never populated." or "It's too much work." Too much work seems like a crappy excuse.


    As a member, you act like you own the server, and try to scare people into following rules. You tried acting like a mod, telling people what they couldn't and could do, even if there was nothing in the MOTD about it. You also "trolled" a few times. I would use it without quotations, but every time I mention it, you say "It's not trolling, I'm just having fun." Also, every time somebody +1'd somebody you didn't like, you told them to change it. That's none of your buisiness.


    Now, you tried to make me be friends with you, and claimed "I wouldn't use proof on you." Then, you tell me you deleted the images, after lying to my saying that you didn't have any. And after that, you called me ungrateful, after lying in front of my face.


    I don't care if you can Lua code. I'd rather have a nice, decent knowledged division leader, than an expert in Lua who's a complete dick.




