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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Eh, -1.


    Sorry, but you're still a bit immature, and you did hack. I mean, it's cool and all, I'm just saying that this needs to be a lesson learned.


    You did have quite a few more chances before this, and I feel that you have gotten plenty of freebies. You, in my sense of the word, trolled, disrespected and raged. I just feel that this was the final straw. I mean, hacking? That's the best way to handle things? I just don't see the point. We've given you many chances, and you blow every single one. Then, you say you will change, but you never really do. You still mess with people. I can see why people would think you're a funny guy, and in reality you really are a cool dude, it's just the immaturity and the whole hacking thing.... You don't really deserve another chance after hacking.

  2. From what I've been told, you need to donate. Plus, you haven't been in the clan for a month, although leaving and re-joining might not apply. But yeah, closed until you donate and have 1 month.



  3. HA, Loop hole. He is div leader for garrys mod, I'm pretty sure if he thinks someone's hacking, it would be true. I'm also pretty sure if the DIV LEADER doesn't need two other people, if I'm wrong, correct me bb's


    14. Any unspoken loopholes in any of these rules are up to the discretion of staff members, if you try to use loopholes intentionally, you can be punished.


    Try again.

  4. What people seem to miss in my posts is that even if he doesn't hack. He still broke enough rules to earn a perma-ban.


    Looking through the logs this is what I see when it involves him:






    -Advert Abuse

    -Misuse of chat.

    **Each with multiple accounts**


    People who accused him of hacking or were in the server at the time:

    -[xG] DMTWired



    -Little Bee

    -J. Fizzle (The only one who did not accuse of hacking. Because he was dealing with his own problems)


    Here is an excerpt from the logs:

    [20:11:25] "Adj" Penis (Chicken nipples): /pm juicy i use a custom crosshair because my default one messed up somehow so i can just pretty much pull out a pistol and

    [20:11:27] J. Fizzle: HEY MISTER

    [20:11:32] "Adj" Penis (Chicken nipples): /pm juicy shoot them real fast


    The first part didn't seem too bad but the second part did. I never got a response when I asked what he means by "Shoot them real fast."


    That is after offering that if he did not lie about hacking. I would reduce his ban from perma to 4 weeks.


    Isn't that why he also has an unban request up? Chill dude.

  5. If this protest goes through. You are only unbanned for TTT and on the first non-accidental RDM you are permabanned. If you happen to hide the fact you RDM in matters such as disconnecting or anything else, I will try you get you banned in the Sourcebans database (Meaning no xG for you). If I find you hacking or get even reports of hacking (From trusted individuals) you will be banned and yet again, sourcebans. I might even contact other communities to get you banned there. Such as Steam Gamers, ECGamers, and CrowbarGaming. Maybe I could even get a higher ranking person to get you banned in HG.


    I'm pretty sure you are over-reacting. Chill out. You protest every +1. It's the community's decision. Plus, if he gets unbanned, he has to be unbanned from all servers, not just TTT.


    I +1 this unban request.

  6. Third person should be for everyone and the ability to move freely around the map when spectating should a donators perk.


    Trails, colors and the hat effects sound good for the aesthetic effects.


    I think there should be something like ability to pick any weapon you want to equip without possessing it in your inventory. For ex. typing !weapons or !loadout ( like cs:s deathmatch)


    Was thinking about that. Maybe even add advanced weaponsier weapons to the cache.

  7. Here's what I got.


    • Unusual Hat Effects
    • Third Person [Maybe]
    • Custom Boss Packs [None Overpowered]
    • Trails
    • Colors


    Anything else would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping to have Donator Perks ready by the end of the month. Feel free to leave suggestions.


    I was leaning toward making third person available to all. If not, it would become donator access only.

  8. Ero thinks NARUTO is good anime..yeah hell no.


    Naruto is a good anime. You need to actually wait until the 100-120th episodes. And he has better taste than a 14 year old.

  9. There's a guy that comes into Teamspeak called Ero_Sennin. He's the one who introduced me to some good anime.


    In the meantime, check out Gintama. It's hard to explain, but it's funny.