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Posts posted by Brian

  1. I asked why I couldn't connect to other rooms. He didn't respond. Then I said, "well fine, be a douche-bag" in a really sarcastic voice as soon as he gets on, and then bans me forever.




  2. I was thinking of forcing mods and admins to be in the [xG:M] subclan. This way, even if they change their name, they will always be recognized by that tag.

  3. Why not put a limit of 1 special day per map? For example:



    2.Friendly Fire ( Recently Used )

    3.Low Gravity


    5.Matrix Jumping


    Or, maybe even more limits. Or add more days available, like from 2 days to 3 days.

  4. Here's what I think needs to be done.


    • Allow Division Leaders the ability to wear tags on other divisions. (i.e. Garry's Mod Division Leader can wear [xG:D] in the Counter Strike Servers, without the fear of getting kicked.)
    • Force mods to recognize themselves, by wearing the tag at all times, if they wish to use their admin powers.
    • Give moderators powers to all Division Leaders on all servers. This is minimal, so if there are no admins on, or in case of a hacker. If they are caught abusing at all, especially in servers outside of their division, they will be stripped of their Division leader instantly. (Honest mistakes are void.)
    • Donators are closely watched, and if they are caught abusing, they are stripped of their rank, and unable to be promoted for 3 months.
    • Known admin abusers who re-apply must wear the tag [KA] at the end of their name. If they are caught abusing their mod, they will be stripped of powers, and unable to re-apply for 3 months.
    • Anybody caught making fun of donated admins will be punished accordingly, including (but not limited to) :
      • Gag / Mute
      • Kick
      • 1 Day Ban
      • 1 Week Ban
      • Permanant Ban

      [*]Members caught trolling admins, wardens, or any player will be removed from the clan. They may be able to re-apply in one month.

      [*]Only Division Leaders, Co-Leaders and Leaders are officially allowed to remove people from the clan. Anybody else who forces a person to remove a tag for an invalid reason will be punished accordingly, such as a warning, to complete removal of powers.

  5. Well, when would you ever need to run 30 servers? We barely have 20.


    Maybe get a cheaper box and reduce the number of servers dramatically?

    It's not like anybody's gonna miss the empty servers.


    Either that, or populate them!

  6. So, I got a 89 on a report card. Parents are upset. (Supposed to keep a 90 or above.)


    This is a message to you guys. I'll still report to problems, but I'm not going to play for recreation as often.

  7. [bLINK][glow=00FF33]newfags can't glow[/glow][/bLINK]


    [MARQUEE]Now we can forever hide our white text. You'll be straining your eyes for hours![/MARQUEE]