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Posts posted by Brian

  1. You seem to play off of the rule that clearly states CTs go first. You keep playing and playing off of it. You keep saying server rules in your forum argument. You can't exclude on part of the rule. You gave an unfair to yourself, resulting in multiple CTs dying unfairly. This was not the first offense, but the second, where you were asked to stop. You continued, so you were slain. I was right in slaying you, and you don't seem to comprehend. It was a total of two seconds you couldn't play. It was a single slay by me. You need to calm down.


    Reasons your argument is no longer valid


    1. Server rules state no unfair advantages, which you clearly gave yourself.

    2. Multiple moderators agreed with me, so you were slain.

    3. It was a single slay from me, for a repeat offense.

  2. Jailbreak breaking Jail Sizes


    Basically, the jailbreak is overpopulated. We have nearly 45 people on at any given time, and still more joining. This causes a very large issue base, such as freekills, rude players, and most importantly, no fun for any of the parties involved. Having a large server results in a freeday nearly every other day, as we have 18 CTs, with 4 screaming in the microphone for warden at any given time. This results in a inexperienced player opening cells before they can call warden. Also, CTs remain in armory longer than 7:45, as the other CTs hog getting the guns. We have all experienced not being able to get our favorite gun, especially when the server is near capacity.


    So, in short, the server is doing poorly and these are the reasons:


    - Mass amounts of players cause lag spikes

    - CTs cannot listen because they fight over warden

    - Freedays make it less fun for the CTs

    - No sense of control over Ts

    - Not being able to receive your favorite weapon

    - Constant freekill complaints make it a pain for the Moderators and Admins

    - Overall rudeness from players, as they feel they are obligated to do whatever they wish, especially when an admin isn't watching


    Here's what I propose we do about it.


    Split up the jailbreak server into two separate thirty-two slot jailbreak servers.


    Now, there are quite a few reasons this will work for the benefit. Let's say silence, for example, wishes to test a new plug-in. He can install in only one server, test it out, and determine whether it would be of use. If it is, he simply has to install it onto the other server. If not, he can remove it much more rapidly, and reduce overall server downtime. The moderators and admins will have an easier job taking care of freekillers, as there are less people to freekill, and there is more sense of authority, as you have to moderate less people. It also reduces the chance somebody will freekill, as there is less room for a freekiller to join.


    Again, in short why we need two servers :


    - Easier to add or remove plug-ins

    - Easier to moderate players, especially those known to freekill.

    - More authority, as you feel you have control over the Ts

    - Less people fighting over warden.

    - Less "cells open before orders" freedays


    Now along with the positives, there will be negatives. Some of the negatives are minor, but will be noticed by seasoned jailbreak veterans. There are less Ts to cause a distraction, meaning rebeling becomes much more difficult. Vents will be much harder to open, or escape into, as the CTs have greater control over the Ts. The server will lag, less than it does now, but will still lag as there are two servers instead of one.


    Negatives of two servers include :


    - Rebeling is much more difficult

    - Server lag cannot be totally eliminated


    Considering all the above, I believe the benefits outweigh the costs. The more security of moderation, less freekills and more confined space provide the server with a greater positive experience. This is my statement, and I stand by it.

  3. if no 1 likes him how is that picking on him? He dug his own grave these are the peoples opinion and the people is what run this clan, Aside from silence of course. Without the users nothing would get accomplished people who do stupid things get treated badly, Do not try and attempt to make some witty post that is irrelevant to this.

    It is his fault where he is at now.

    When i got kicked out, i waited 3months b4 re applying maybe longer, but i did because i loved xG, if he likes this clan so much, he can do exactly what i did and change! but if he doesnt want to have the dedication or represent our clan correctly get him the ♥♥♥♥ out of here



    >Change In Behavior




    Yeah, alright. Put him on probation.

  4. This is what we call the Lost-Puppy Syndrome. At first, you like it, then it runs away., or gets run over by a car. So what do you do? You buy a new one! Now, let's see. Didn't everybody have a problem with neteX? As soon as we kicked him out, you guys wanted a new member to pick on. So, who else semi-annoyed you that recently joined the clan? Oscar.


  5. Seriously?


    We all have been in the same position, waiting for a round to end. It's boring, stupid and overall time-wasted. Do you honestly believe that picking Chicken Fight was the best decision for a server, a full server no less, with you and some other person left as the Last Request? That's just ridiculous, use you brain once in a while. I know you would be the exact same way if somebody did this. Sure, you might not post on the forums, but you would be thinking "This guy is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." Next time, think ahead, and this type of thing won't happen. It wasn't like he banned you. It was one slay that delayed your gameplay for a mere fifteen seconds or so. Relax.