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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Yeah, just an idea, but it could never hurt to ask. I believe the best way to become a great community is to have multiple games to choose from. So, why not a few servers for other games.


    Which game would you choose and why?


    Also, I know we had a Minecraft Server before, it's just I want to see what the community thinks of bringing back the Main Towny, not psp's server.

  2. In order to determine where we will meet, we first have to determine where most of the xG base is. Personally, I would be willing to go state to state to pick up xG members, as long as they pay their fair share of driving money. I think it would take place near North Dakota, as the middle US is the best part, and it's pretty much in the middle of the US and Canada border.

  3. Because I enjoy both but like the cycle of switching between them. It makes the anticipation for the next game-mode even greater!


    Well, it's not about what you enjoy, it's what about the public enjoys. Try one, or the other. Then, if neither work out, combine like last time. The main reason the Zombie Server failed is because there was too much going on, switching from Escape to Survival.

  4. I'll replace xmas with it, but it will take me 2 weeks to get the plugins configured correctly, custom skins, donation features, custom plugins, and a stable transition from ZM to ZE since I want the server to support both :P


    Why not just stick with one or the other? That's like combining Jailbreak and Surf DM Maps in the same server.