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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Dude, what is wrong with you? What did I do to offend you so badly? Who cares if I made CS:S mod, I'm more active on Team Fortress.


    Secondly, looking back at it, yeah it does seem stupid for the Middleman Idea, but I still say we need a Trading Server.


    Calm down.

  2. On a trip to Rome, I lay down on my friend's bed drunk and slept with clothes on, and woke up the next day in my own bed without o.O That was pretty weird.


    The hell? Sounds like when you're a kid and you fall asleep on the couch, and wake up in bed, only more extreme.

  3. Team Fortress 2 Trading


    Trade server. Most of the Team Fortress 2 players have been a trade server at least once or twice. We also need a trade server. This way, we can easily trade on our own turf, without having to go to another community to ask over in unfamiliar ground. Most people in the clan that play Team Fortress 2 are premium, and would like to get rid of their items, but would also like to earn an item in return. I say only trusted mods, admins, and division leaders should be allowed to middleman in the server, as there are a few members who already scammed several people in other servers.


    In order to run a trade server, we would need guidelines, such as ways to run the server, what is considered scamming, what to do about a scammer, etc. Here are some guidelines that I would believe to be useful for a scammer, and how to deal with one:


    • Scamming is classified as paying somebody lower than 70% of an items value
    • People who sell items at a very low price are not scammers.
    • People who buy hats for 1 refined are not to be classified as scammers
    • People who are selling unencripted weapons are scammers.
    • People who are buying unusuals and exclaim qualitlies are better than others (ex. Genuine > Unusual) are scammers.


    We need regulation for all the free to play players that come on the server, begging for free items. These type of people are welcomed to play, but only if they do not spam chat, begging every few seconds for a free item. There is a plug-in that attaches a name to to free-to-play players, such as adding the tag [F2P] at the end of their names. This way, we can easily distinguish who actually needs items, and who wants to be a freeloader and get all their items for free, just to trade them away later.


    We also need maps, but that is not a worry as there are many maps out there, made specifically for this purpose. The only maps we would really need is trade plaza, as it provides the most amount of trade access, without the risk of idlers. It also provides a fun experience, or as about as fun as a trade server can be. It's just the right amount that a person can test his or her new item, then continue trading in the server. Plus, it is the most common map, and many Team Fortress 2 players already have it downloaded.


    There should be a no trolling policy (ex. Send multiple trades, then quickly closing them several times. If anyone should do this there should be severe action taken place, as we a s a community do not support any forms of trolling.


    Ban lengths are one of the most important aspects we need in the trade server. We need bans to discourage and keep out many of the cruel traders that come in and out of servers, scamming people in every server. There should be different ban lengths for different types of actions as well. Here are some punishments:


    • Scamming anybody of a high value item - Permanent Ban
    • Scamming anybody of a low value item - 1 Week Ban
    • Lying to admins about a scam - 1 Week Ban
    • Racism - 1 Week Ban
    • Constantly Begging for Items - 1 Day Ban
    • Trolling (Sending trades then closing them) - 1 Day Ban
    • Trolling (Calling somebody names) - 1 Day Ban

  4. Decsion: -1

    Why: While his age may be 22, his maturity maybe that of a temper-tantrum drunk seven year old. He would not represent the clan well at all. Last time he was in, he abused, and then as he lost his mod, he treated everybody like shit


    Activity: Very active

  5. You guys DO realize that you're just pissing him off even more. He clearly stated that it was for a certain number of people, and the only thing you guys are doing is instigating. He wants to have a discussion with the leaders. Let him do so. Don't need to be such dicks about it.

  6. Sorry, but you applied for on the 23rd of December and were accepted on the 29th. This'll have to be closed and you'll have to make another application on Febuary 29th. :/


    She doesn't have to. It's different for TF2 Mods.

  7. Saxton Hale Maps


    The Saxton Hale mod has recently become one of the best servers [xG] has to offer on TF2. But, there is one problem. Not enough maps, and on many occasions, the server plays the same map twice in a row. I think we need to remove some maps, and replace them with more vibrant, colorful, fun maps built for Saxton Hale.


    Maps to add:



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -Very fun map when playing King of the Hill, would love to see it in Saxton Hale.



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -Also very fun. More of an asian style, but really fun.



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -Another very fun map. Very deserted, and very small, but not too small. Perfect for Saxton Hale.



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -Usually on trade servers, but still fun.



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -VERY fun, one of the best arena maps out there.



    Team Fortress 2 - Free Maps and Mods!

    -Another good snow map. We need this one.













    We already have the koth versions, and the koth versions are far superior. Get rid of these maps please.