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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Well, tried to be nice and get unbanned, but they said no. Ah well, at least I tried.
  2. Vacation Baby Heading to Germany for 4 weeks. Leaving Thursday, so hopefully you guys behave...... What I want to happen What is going to happen
  3. Alright edited, and that also takes part of point number 2. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Brians Guide on : How to be Admin Friendly! Admins never go by anybody's word. Many have seen plenty of times where people complain and complain, then get angry when the admins do nothing. They cannot perform any action unless they witnessed it, or the accuser has solid proof. Don't annoy the admins, as it may be you receiving the punishment, instead of the original offender. Remember, the admins job is to be fair, and it would be fair if they took anybody's word. Let's look at a real world example. How would it be if admins took your word? Example Person A dislikes Person B, so he accuses him of freekilling, which Person B didn't do. Suddenly, an admin slays Person B, just to find out Person A was lying. So then, Person A is slayed as well. Basically - Don't whine about freekills unless you have proof, or if the admins investigate to find evidence. Admins do not tolerate disrespect Many people often get frustrated when freekilled, even after the person has recieved punishment. This cause the person to often be rude to the admins, such as stating, "Took you long enough @#$", or "God @#$%, this admin is completely useless. Not only does this not resolve anything, but it also causes the admin to lose respect for you, and possibly not even look into future problems. How would it be if you disrespected admins? Example Person B dislikes Admin, because Person A free-killed him. After several minutes of gathering information about the incident, Person B exclaims "It's about time you do your job, you @#$%^& Admin." Admin completely drops the case and gags the player. Basically - Don't be difficult with admins, especially if they are trying to help you. Don't argue with an admins ruling If an admin makes a ruling that does or does not relate toward your actions, don't go against the admins word. The admin has the final say. Whether the decision is fair, is not judged by you, but by the admins. Do not argue with admins, unless you have proof of the wrongful action taking place. How would it be if you judged player's offences? Example Person A freekills around 5 people, but Player B, insisting that he was a new player, argues that he should only be given a warning. Every round goes by, ending up in more and more free-killing. By round 4, the admin finally bans the free-killer, and kicks the player defending him for "disrupting the peace and public of the server." Basically - Don't argue with the admins decisions. The admin has the final say. Don't try to bribe or let off an admin If you free-killed and you know you purposefully did so, don't spam admin chat saying "I'll buy you a hat pack if you let me free-kill Player B". Not only will the admins lose trust in you, but they would have to take appropriate actions against you. How would it be if you bribed admins Example Person A free-kills around 3 people, but tells Admin 1 he will buy him a hat pack. Admin 2 gets on the server, to see somebody freekilling 3-4 players every round. Admin 2 kicks Player A, and asks Admin 1 why actions were not taken. To Admin 2 suprise, Admin 1 tells him he allowed it, causing Admin 1 to lose his rank, and damage his chances of re-grasping the rank that was lost. Basically - Don't try to bribe admins. Overview Don't whine about freekills unless you have proof. Don't be difficult with admins, especially if they are trying to help you. Don't argue with the admins decisions. The admin has the final say. Don't try to bribe admins. If you have anything you want to add on, leave a comment below! Who knows, maybe it could be added to this post!
  5. Brian

    Almost lost an eye.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX07ierlgc0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SrMEA6hmJg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0jKvgS7olo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nLCuS2q5Fo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLS7omjBKdc&feature=related
  7. Well, let's say gun toss. I demonstrate gun toss from a side view, then a First Person view. I also explain server rules....ect..ect... And I define freekilling, how to report a freekiller ect. ect. I will make a video demostrating gun toss to show you what I mean.
  8. I would love to make a video MOTD, but it would take some approval from Aegean, Ero_Sennin, and most importantly silence. I CAN do a video version, just need some approval.
  9. Don't even make a post like this. We don't 'troll' other clan's since that would make us look bad. Any other posts like this will get you banned.
  10. Well personally, I think it's fair. If they made a mistake, they shouldn't just give them a chance for a freeday, he should simply pass it on to another, and then go from there. Besides, the new warden usually dies within 15 seconds of becoming it anyway. Also
  11. [ATTACH]214.vB[/ATTACH] Here is me spray. lolmspaint