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Everything posted by BillyMays

  1. BillyMays


    I'll unban you from the servers but catch up on the rules because you're on thin ice. Don't get permed again or you won't get unbanned again
  2. +1 been around for a longass time
  3. Even though you can't seen him from first person in the demo, it doesn't look very suspicious. I don't see it as fair to keep him banned for this as it's very possible for him to get all those shots and he has no aimbot history. ~closed
  4. Yeah technically 3+ is mass freekill, but remember to use your good judgement before you just perma ban people But please stop making false abuse threads Duplolas and both of you stop flaming you flamers ~closed
  5. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  6. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal
  7. Team name:A$AP Mob Captain:Billy Mays jb- tdogg Michael Bryceee
  8. BillyMays

    Why we have Rules.

    Yes there are rules, I've always seen rules more as guidelines. You think we can just literally interpret all the rules the way they're written? No, sometimes we have to step back and look at the situation. Not to throw anyone under the bus but I'm going to bring out some examples. Duckiijr cheated, the rules say that warrants a permanent ban. Now Duckiijr came out and plainly admitted to all of us of his mistake and that took some balls. He's been in xG since it was made and he's almost always followed the rules. Now there's been numerous members that have hacked in xG. Some have gotten new accounts and not had to deal with this whole situation Duckiijr went through. Some have just had their past forgiven and forgotten by a newer generation of members. Now if I literally interpreted every rule of xG and was going to do what half of you thought should have been done to Duckiijr, keeping them banned for hacking, I could go and ban at least 5 members of xG that I'm not even going to name, but no. Their valued members, they're human, and they make mistakes. Grow up and realize this.
  9. BillyMays

    duckiijr vacced

    He's joined the dark side
  10. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  11. BillyMays


    You're an attention whore and nothing more, you've been banned, have fun pizza boy ~closed
  12. He lagged out for you and he was actually moving around but you couldn't see it, not hacking. It's alright though it can be really confusing if you've never seen it. You can fix this by rejoining. ~closed
  13. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules!
  14. BillyMays


    PermaBanned for massively freekilling, mic/chat spamming, and taking me to a gay bar ~closed cuz you a busta
  15. Couldn't agree with you more nigga
  16. Some of my favorite tech death bands I guess http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWzSZWftu8U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtv5245113g&feature=related
  17. This was before he had admin and before the "disrespect rule." Why would you withhold something like that. Shadowspy I was there when you kicked/banned him which was unwarranted because you he didn't even rejoin after you kicked him and gave him a warning.